What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Categories: History

In 1985, the Moscow publishing house "Soviet Russia" released a large album called "Volgograd", collecting the works of five Soviet photographers: R. Beniaminson, V. Pavlov, E. Evzerikhin, V. Kabyshev and V. Ivanov.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Modern Volgograd stretches along the Volga River for 80 kilometers. On the embankment named after the 62nd Army.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

The central part of the city.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Lenin Avenue.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Lenin Square.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Square on Lenin Avenue.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Children in one of the squares of the city.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

School. September 1.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Autumn Square.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

View of the city.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Monument to the heroes of the Komsomol.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Zinaida Andreyevna with her children at Pavlov's house.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

The station square and the motorway overpass connecting the Central and Dzerzhinsk districts.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Reconstructed department store building. At the entrance to the memorial plaque is the inscription: "On January 31, 1943, the 38th motorized rifle brigade of Colonel Burmakov in the basements of this house was captured with his staff Field Marshal Paulus, commander of the German group of troops near Stalingrad…»

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Sovetskaya Street.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

House of Unions.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

In the river port.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

At the pier of the river station.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

View of the Trans-Volga region.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Volzhskaya HPP named after the XXII Congress of the CPSU.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Turbine hall of the Volzhskaya HPP.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

In one of the channel gateways.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

New residential area of tractor builders "Spartanovka".

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

At the ruins of the old mill. There were fierce battles in 1942-1943.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

The new building of the panorama "Battle of Stalingrad".

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

A fragment of the panorama.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

View of the Volga River through the city center.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Square on Lenin Avenue.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

At the main entrance to the Volgograd Tractor Plant named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Loading of tractors.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Shop of the tractor plant.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Hero of Socialist Labor, blacksmith of the tractor plant Mikhail Arkatov.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Metallurgical plant "Krasny Oktyabr". Melting.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Steel casting.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Creation. Volgograd sculptor A. Krivolapov.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Artist F. Sukhanov.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Amateur team of the tractor plant.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

A scene from the play of the Gorky Drama Theater.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Fallen Fighters Square.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

The new building of the Palace of Pioneers.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Volgograd poet Margarita Agashina.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

In the amateur museum of musical instruments.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Corresponding member of VASKhNIL.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

At the Museum of Fine Arts.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

There are many sports facilities in Volgograd. At the stadium.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Water polo.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Spill on the Volga.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

With a fishing rod on the river bank.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

At the yacht club.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Yacht club.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

There are always a lot of people on the embankment named after the 62nd Army.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

Hero of the Soviet Union Ya. F. Pavlov. He often visited the house named after him.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

On Heroes ' Square. Mamaev kurgan.

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

The Square of Sorrow. Sculpture "Mother's Sorrow".

What Volgograd looked like in the 1980s

On the "Soldier's Field".

Keywords: City | Russian Federation | History | Archive | Photographer | Volgograd | USSR | 80th

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