16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Categories: Nations | Photo project | World

Photographer Craig Varjabedian travels through reservations, communicates with Indians and takes a series of pictures that should capture and preserve for posterity the culture and magic of ancient Indian tribes.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Photographer Craig Varzhabedyan comes to Indian settlements and takes pictures of Indians in dance costumes to capture their distinctive culture.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

The performer of the pow-wow dance at the general meeting of the tribe, Comanche.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Sky warrior Yanaban, Navajo tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

A Navajo woman in traditional braided earrings, which are given to the bride for marriage.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Tiguvana Ohuva Munu (Mighty Thundercloud), Tewa tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Chuugaa Hoevi (Red Eagle), the Teva tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

The performer of the Eagle dance, the Meskwoki tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

The Man-in-the-Bear, Chickasaw tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

A woman in a national costume, a Pueblo tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Alvin, the chief of the Cree tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Plain Dance performer, Navajo tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Tamu Tsan (Sunrise), the Teva tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Big Moose, chief of the Taos tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

To'dikozhi (Marlene) and Wainkpe Wakan (Jamie), Navajo and Lakota tribes.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Povi Tsai (Yellow Flower), the Teva tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Dean Tsoi, chief of the Navajo tribe.

16 incredible portraits of American Indians in ritual costumes

Chris, Deer dance performer, Teva tribe.

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