Orchid mantises are elusive masters of disguise
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/orchid-mantises-are-elusive-masters-of-disguise.htmlPraying mantises are masters of disguise, they have reached the highest, almost unattainable heights in the art of mimicry. But did you know that there are praying mantises in the world that can pretend to be flowers? And not just ordinary ones, but flowers of orchids, jasmine, papaya and other flowering trees – of different colors and shades.
The orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) is one of the most amazing and beautiful insects in the world. Its appearance resembles an orchid flower, which makes it an unrivaled master of disguise among predators. This mantis not only attracts attention with its bright colors, but is also a real hunter, capable of deceiving its victims.
The orchid mantis is found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, including countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. These mantises prefer humid, warm regions where they can hide among blooming orchids and other colorful flowers. With their unique appearance, the mantises easily blend into their surroundings, becoming almost invisible to their potential victims and predators.
In the wild, praying mantises have many enemies. These include large lizards, geckos, bats, rodents such as shrews, toads, birds, and even large spiders.
They can be white, pink, lilac - different shades, sometimes have several different color schemes and combinations in their coloring. This depends, naturally, on the flowers of the trees on which these insects live.
Of course, such coloring is not given to praying mantises for beauty, but for the convenience of hunting and protection from enemies. Their wide paws imitate flower petals, and their heads imitate their core. They jump dexterously, and move slowly and fitfully, like alien tripods from old science fiction films.
This species of praying mantis has large gender differences – females, reaching 8 cm in length, are almost twice the size of males.
Praying mantises eat pollinating insects, which is why they have occupied this niche of mimicry - they pretend that they are thirsty for pollination and grab everything that flies to this color call: bees, butterflies, dragonflies, flies. But their appetite does not end with these insects! Praying mantises are so strong, and their jaws are so powerful that they can attack lizards with great success, including those that are much larger than them.
Orchid mantises can also snack on small pieces of bananas or other sweet fruits rich in potassium. In rare cases, a female mantis can also dine on a male, but this happens in the most extreme cases, when the female is very hungry. But wise nature has taken this into account - more males are born than females and their maturation period is shorter than that of females.
Keeping an orchid mantis at home requires special attention and care. This species prefers temperatures from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius and high humidity, which should be maintained at 60-80%. It is especially important to provide it during the molting of insects, because their legs are structured in such a way that it is extremely difficult for them to get rid of the old "skin" if it does not get wet from the humidity.
To create ideal conditions, it is necessary to equip a terrarium with many shelters and decorative plants that imitate the insect's natural habitat. If the praying mantis is kept surrounded by flowers of the same color for a long time, then with each subsequent molt they will acquire a coloring more and more similar to the coloring of these flowers.
The orchid mantis' diet includes small insects such as fruit flies, crickets, and butterflies. It is important to remember that mantises need a varied diet to stay active and healthy. When feeding, remember that mantises are active insects and will fight to protect their lives - they can bite or pinch painfully.
The orchid mantis is not just an insect, but a true work of nature, combining beauty and lethality. Its ability to camouflage itself among flowers makes it one of the most unusual predators in the insect world. It is hard to imagine that this delicate-looking creature is an effective hunter, capable of striking its prey with a lightning-fast attack.
Photos of orchid mantises are a source of admiration for nature lovers and entomologists around the world. These insects become real stars of photographs due to their bright and exotic appearance.
The orchid mantis is a unique insect that attracts attention not only with its appearance, but also with its complex behavioral characteristics. Its ability to blend into the environment and hunt makes it one of the most interesting representatives of the insect world. If you decide to have an orchid mantis at home, remember to create comfortable conditions for it and provide proper care.
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