15 star movie duets in which actors hated each other
Categories: Celebrities | Cinema
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/15-star-movie-duets-in-which-actors-hated-each-other.htmlCinema is a collective product, but, as in any collective, there is always a place for conflicts on the set. It is good if the subject of the proceedings becomes an un-ironed hero's costume, an unsuccessfully exposed light or the absence of skimmed milk in the buffet, but tough confrontations also happen on the set. In the finished film, you won't even notice the whole background, but we will tell you about several cases of how actors can hate each other, even doing a common cause.
war / drama / romance
Directors: George Cukor, Victor Fleming, Sam WoodStarring: Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Thomas Mitchell, Barbara O'Neill, Evelyn Kiyes
The famous film produced by David Selznick and directed by Victor Fleming was in many ways the first — the first color, the first eight-time Oscar-winning, the first in terms of the number of tickets sold and the money collected taking into account inflation. Why doesn't he also open our top today? The filming of "Gone" turned out to be another test, and not the least role in this production hell was played by the leading actors, who, to put it mildly, were from different leagues. Gable was the producer's first choice for the responsible role of Rhett Butler, but Scarlett O'Hara had to choose from fifteen hundred applicants. Accordingly, the relations on the site were lined up, Gable did not see Lee at close range, and she reciprocated the snob. Fortunately, internal hostility never caused a conflict, both turned out to be professionals and put all their emotions into the game.
comedy / detective / drama / music / romance
Director: Billy WilderStarring: Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, George Raft, Pat O'Brien
There is nothing more difficult than shooting a comedy in a suppressed atmosphere of mutual hostility. In the comedy beloved by many, "Only Girls in Jazz", fun, jokes and lightness were born in such agony that none of the actors subsequently wanted to remember about the production of the picture. The blame for everything is a black streak in the life of Marilyn Monroe — the actress suffered from an unhappy marriage, suffered a bad pregnancy, fell into depression and insomnia. All this could not but affect the work, Monroe was late for the set, forgot the text and tore off duplicates — one of the scenes was shot only from the forty-first time! Tony Curtis had a particularly hard time, he was just green with rage when the actress disrupted his next shooting day. "Everyone has their own shortcomings," you say? Yes, the actors wanted to strangle their partner!
adventure / thriller / horror
Director: Steven SpielbergStarring: Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfus, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton
Steven Spielberg's great film "Jaws" gained its fame not only thanks to the dynamic scenes with a shark, but also, not least, due to the relationship between the simpleton fisherman Quint and the arrogant marine biologist Hooper, the heroes of Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfus. It turns out that the hatred between the characters arose from the actors' not too warm relations to each other. According to Spielberg, the couple was constantly on knives, and if it didn't get to fights, then the actors let go of sarcastic barbs to a colleague almost every minute. Only professionalism kept Dreyfus from open conflict, and after all, the Show exasperated the whole team with its daring hooligan antics, which, however, made Jaws a special film.
action / adventure / science fiction
Director: George LucasStarring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness
In the Star Wars universe, there is only one couple who are not torn apart by internal contradictions and who almost never part — this is the lanky robot C3PO and the little squeaker R2D2. What is beautiful on the screen has never been so cute in my life — actors Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker, who played the roles of the respective "heroes", did not see each other point-blank. Baker was outraged by the arrogance of Daniels, who never joined the group at friendly gatherings, or even simply ignored colleagues. In response, Baker, not at all embarrassed, told reporters that he was completely indifferent to who was sitting in the "bucket with bolts" with whom his hero needed to talk about the plot of the film. Isn't that a reason to fight?
Director: Robert BentonStarring: Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Jane Alexander, Justin Henry, Howard Duff
A classic movie about warring parents fighting for custody of their son would hardly have turned out to be so deep and sincere if it had not been played by the most pretentious actors. But director Robert Benton gathered Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman under the umbrella of his film, which ensured the film's success. A success that grew out of unfriendliness on the site. The thing is that Streep was unhappy with the way her heroine was written in the script, so the actress achieved a significant change in the character of her character, the rules of the replica and reshaped the internal conflict. Hoffman, in turn, considered this a "hit-and-run" and an attempt to surpass him in the frame. In addition, Streep was not particularly ceremonious with the feelings of a partner who was going through a stressful divorce process at the time — Hoffman snapped, which further inflamed the actress' dislike for him.
drama / romance
Director: Emil ArdolinoStarring: Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze, Jerry Orbak, Cynthia Rhodes, Jack Weston
One of the most successful romantic melodramas in history, Dirty Dancing, like everything related to rhythm and choreography, could not have become a rolling hit if the chemistry between partners had not been present in the film. There is a certain spark between Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey, but this is not mutual love or warm romantic feelings — on the contrary, the actors did not get along too well on the set. Swayze considered his partner deprived of acting talent, in response Gray laughed at the clumsiness and clumsiness of a colleague. Sometimes mutual banter ended in altercations that inflamed passions both in and out of the frame.
detective / drama / mystery / thriller / science fiction
Directors: Kim Manners, Rob Bowman, David Nutter, Vince GilliganStarring: Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pillaggi, Robert Patrick, Tom Braidwood
Contrary to speculation about a romantic relationship between the main stars of the series "The X-Files" David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, the reality is a completely different state of affairs. Not that the actors hated each other, but there was no special warmth between them. Duchovny was very offended by the detachment of a colleague outside the set, but such hostility was explained very simply: at some point Anderson found out that she was not a full partner in the show, but "number two", and this did not give her peace. Angrily, the actress recalled not only that her salary was half that of Mulder, but also that her heroine had always been destined for a place in the background. Pay attention, even when the characters go somewhere together, Scully always minces behind. It's a shame, yes.
detective / thriller
Director: Charles ShyerStarring: Julia Roberts, Nick Nolte, Saul Rubinek, Robert Loggia, James Reborn
Charles Shyer's romantic comedy "I love trouble" can mislead only the most simple—minded viewer - everyone has long known that Julia Roberts is kind, charming and kind only on the screen, in life to endure her obnoxious character is still a test. On the set of the film with Nick Nolte, Roberts surpassed herself, the conflict between the actors turned into such a hot phase that even in some dialogue scenes they had to be filmed separately from each other. If it was possible to deceive the viewer on the screen, then the actors did not even try outside it. Nick countered Roberts' public statement that Nolte was a disgusting person by saying that he didn't need to talk about Julia's obnoxious character, everyone already knows about it.
drama / romance
Director: Baz LuhrmannStarring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, John Leguizamo, Harold Perrineau, Pete Postlethwaite
It's not so easy to fit into the ranks of Shakespearean adaptations, of which there are thousands and thousands, but Baz Luhrmann's film "Romeo + Juliet" succeeded. Not only due to modern processing and a hot soundtrack, but also due to the acting works of DiCaprio and Danes, the relationship between which, however, could not be called ideal. Leo considered his young partner too tense, Claire, in turn, was not thrilled with the jokes and jokes that the young DiCaprio addressed to the actors and crew. The dislike did not grow into a big conflict, but it did not bring the actors closer, moreover, Claire Danes subsequently rejected the offer to play with Dee again Caprio is already in the Titanic. One movie was enough for her.
drama / sports
Director: Oliver StoneStarring: Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, James Woods, Jamie Foxx
Oliver Stone's football drama, which tells, among other things, about the conflict in the sports locker room of an ambitious newcomer and a star who fears for her status, brought together rapper LL Cool J and actor Jamie Foxx. The relationship between them did not go well from the very beginning, and it even came to physical abuse. Based on the police report (and the cops even had to be called to the set), Fox "flew" from a partner in the nose, and although LL Cool J claimed that he did not do it on purpose, but only wanted to push the actor, the skirmish ended in a mutual bruising. However, the conflict of the "footballers" is an example of hostility that has come to naught — years after these shootings LL Cool J and Fox became friends and even record tracks together.
action / Detective / Comedy / Adventure / Thriller
Director: McGeeStarring: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, Bill Murray, Sam Rockwell
So sometimes it happens that the scandals around the production of the film are talked about more and longer than about the picture itself. Something similar happened with McGee's "Charlie's Angels" — the film was forgotten almost immediately, but journalists managed to suck up the conflict between Bill Murray and Lucy Liu for several more months. Murray is not a gift without that, but in the "Angels" he surpassed himself, giving Lew a scolding right during the takes. Members of the crew said that more than once the actor stopped filming just to tell Lucy how terrible her game was, to which she snapped in the most obscene way. The production of the painting even had to be stopped for a day or two, so that the passions subsided, and everyone expected the end of the work more than the release from prison.
action / Detective / Comedy / Thriller
Director: Ron SheltonStarring: Harrison Ford, Josh Hartnett, Lina Olin, Bruce Greenwood, Isaiah Washington
Another not the most pleasant partner on the site, Harrison Ford, especially distinguished himself in Ron Shelton's crime comedy "Hollywood Cops". The cool attitude of the star to his young partner resulted in the complete detachment of the actors from each other. Hartnett recalls that sometimes they could sit opposite each other for hours waiting for the start of filming and not even say a word, but without even looking at each other. However, this silence was interrupted as soon as the actors dispersed to the trailers—Ford called Hartnett a "punk" behind his back, and Josh called Uncle Harrison an "old fart." Mutual hatred even became the subject of an advertising campaign for the film, which, however, did not help the rental.
action / Adventure / Thriller / Horror / Science Fiction
Director: David S. GoyerStarring: Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson, Dominic Purcell, Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds
The fact that Wesley Snipes went slightly off the rails at a certain point in time is no secret to anyone, and after the fact we can only regret those who had to work with the actor at the peak of his "madness". And this peak came during the work on the third film of the Blade franchise, where Snipes refused to communicate with shooting partners, and communicated with the director only through notes written, by the way, on behalf of Blade. If someone was willing to put up with this, then it seemed unacceptable to Ryan Reynolds, and the conflict between the actors almost turned into a fight. As a result, director David S. Goyer even split the shooting days of his stars — close-ups of Snipes and Reynolds were filmed separately from each other.
drama / romance
Director: Nick CassavetesStarring: Gina Rowlands, James Garner, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling, Tim Ivey
One of the most vivid romantic stories of the last few years, the drama of Nicholas Cassavetes "Diary of Memory" is able to make not only women, but also men cry. The handsome Ryan Gosling and the modest charming Rachel McAdams, it would seem, are in this picture an ideal couple who have achieved emotional return only by completely dissolving into each other on the set. In fact, everything was different — Gosling and McAdams hated each other fiercely, and the film could not come out because of the conflict of actors. In an interview, Cassavetes said that one day Gosling came to him and said that he could no longer play with Rachel and asked to replace the actress. In response, the director brought the conflicting parties together in one trailer and left them to sort it out one-on-one. Thunder and lightning from the trailer were heard such that the entire film crew was hushed. We managed to finish the movie, but how many nerves it cost the participants!
detective / drama
Director: John HillcoatStarring: Shia Labeouf, Tom Hardy, Jason Clarke, Guy Pearce, Jessica Chastain
Neither Hardy nor Labeouf can be called good guys — Tom likes to swear in public, Shia, on the contrary, has recently shocked the public with her visual performances and refusals to communicate with the press. What is fraught with the meeting of these two people on the set? Of course, a vivid conflict, the scene of which was the site of the "Drunkest district in the world"! The exchange of barbs in the break between takes led to a brawl, and Labeouf honestly admits that he was the first to raise his fists. We would take a look at this confrontation, but we have to be content with only the reaction of Hardy, who called his stocky opponent "intimidating." They say Labeouf knocked out "mad Max". It's hard to believe, but…
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