15 rules of life of a real cat

15 rules of life of a real cat

Categories: Animals | Positive

All of you have repeatedly met articles or even whole books with the rules of life: how to succeed, how to get the respect of others, how to become happy, etc. However, such rules are not only for people, but also for cats. Yes, yes, and what did you think? How do you think these creatures conquered the whole world and subjugated people? Here is a list of rules from a real cat.

15 rules of life of a real cat

15 rules of life of a real cat

Don't pay attention to all sorts of annoying little things: you can always catch another mouse.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Learn to bury yourself in the sofa. This way you can solve almost any problem.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Do yoga, push the boundaries of the possible.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Be open, go to the dialogue. If you think that they don't give you enough food, just say so, don't keep it to yourself.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Find time to be alone with yourself every day.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Always look further, so you will achieve more.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Be friendly and friendly to others, so you can make new friends.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Communicate more often with your loved ones, learn to listen, even if you do not understand what they are saying to you.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Do not get upset and do not respond with aggression if the dog does not "notice"you.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Just learn how to make it so that he really does not notice you.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Don't get hung up on the rational, sometimes you just need to act.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Be nice. Photogenicity is nothing, charm is everything.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Look at things from different points of view. You will be surprised when you look at the familiar from the other side.

15 rules of life of a real cat

Sleep as much as possible. Healthy sleep — at least 15 hours a day.

15 rules of life of a real cat

And one last thing. Always be confident in yourself, people love it.

Keywords: Animals | Cats | Positive | Life | Rules

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