15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat

15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat

Categories: Animals | Beauty | Nature | Photo project | Photo School | World

Lizards, snakes, or insects are less appreciated by people compared to our usual choice of pets. Maybe it's because they sometimes look scary or cold, but hopefully, by the end of this post, you will find beauty and cuteness within them.

Yan Hidayat, a talented photographer from Indonesia, loves to document the lives of various cold-blooded animals, especially from up close. Yan's picture of a super chill lizard that got the internet by storm in 2021 went viral, making people reevaluate these creatures.

So, today, we would like to once more share some of this talented photographer's work on reptiles, frogs, and other animals caught hitching a ride on their besties' backs or chilling and simply living life.

More info: Instagram


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


Pictolic reached out to the artist once again to learn more about him and his passion for reptile photography.

Back in 2021, Yan shared with us that photography had been in his life for 12 years. Now, we were curious to know how it came into his life.

“I studied photography from 1994 until now because I really love the world of photography,” Yan revealed.

15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


Yan is no stranger to lizards as he owns one himself, who is the star of that famous chill lizard photo. So it is probably only natural that Yan got into photographing other similar animals as well. To make sure, we asked Yan to share what truly inspired him to get into such a type of photography.

“All of this happened without me realizing it, at first I tried it, then I was curious after seeing the photos. I also have human photos, but not so often,” wrote Yan.

15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


Obviously, you can’t make animals strike a perfect pose, however, we wanted to know if Yan does anything specific to get such great compositions.

“Everything happened without me expecting it because it all happened during the photo shoot,” wrote Yan.

We also were curious if Yan has ever held an exhibition of his photos.

“Until now, I haven't dared to have an exhibition because I'm not really sure about the results of my photography,” explained Yan.

But we think he should definitely consider it since Yan’s images are truly amazing!

15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


And lastly, Yan shared that if he had studied to become a photographer, he would be one today and he told us who supported him throughout the process.

“All this thanks to encouragement from friends; without their motivation, maybe I wouldn't know all this. My first teacher who helped me to enter the world of macro photography was Nordin Saruyan's brother, he always encouraged and motivated me in my work.”

15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


15 Images Of Reptiles, Insects, And Other Animals Caught Chilling Or Hitching A Ride, By Yan Hidayat


Keywords: Images | Reptiles | Insects | Animals | Animal photography | Nature | Yan Hidayat | Snakes | Cuteness | Beauty

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