15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

Categories: Children | Positive

Children are the flowers of life. It is they who decorate our everyday life, bring notes of fun and variety into it, do not let parents get bored (even if they really want to!). All children are unique in their own way, but the situations that they have to face during their upbringing are often one in one similar to each other. If you are a parent, in these comics you will 100% recognize yourself. Don't you believe it? See for yourself!

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

In this comic, I definitely recognize myself as moms who believe in omens. And, of course, their curious friends. "Well, let me take a look, at least with one eye, nothing will happen"…

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

Not only friends are curious, but also the children themselves! The main rule of moms: before giving something to touch, look, smell — check three times how well IT is twisted.

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

It's always tastier from someone else's plate, and if it's Mom's plate, it tastes twice as good!

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

"Isn't he cold?", "Isn't he hot?", "Doesn't the cap squeeze?", "Won't the handles freeze?" and another 100500+ questions from strangers…

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

The subtleties of education!

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

Dads about motherhood.

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

But it helped!

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

When you have a small child, you always need to be on your guard!

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

Have a fun walk with Dad!

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

All mom's affairs are a solid "ten"!

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

Grandma is the main supplier of food to the family.

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

Keywords: Parenting | Comics | Motherhood | Child | Parents | Family

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