13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Categories: Design and Architecture | History

In our view, a prison is a dark building with bars on the Windows, surrounded by barbed wire. Most often it is, if we talk about the prison, built in our days. But even before the prison was built with taste, so it is not surprising that many of the old buildings classified as historical monuments. Let's look at 13 of these prisons — even they are unique and beautiful in their own way.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

This prison is located in Saint Petersburg, on the island of New Holland in 1829. Its popular name — "the Bottle", it was due to the round shape.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

The famous "Vladimir Central" in the city of Vladimir is one of the oldest prisons of Russia. His first "guests", that is "the inmates," she took in 1783.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Schlisselburg fortress-prison, which is called "Hard" performed the role of defensive structures and places of detention for dangerous criminals. The first fortress was built in 1323, and modern look she got in the 15th century.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Castle prison "White Swan" is one of the famous attractions in Astrakhan, built in 1829. Experienced people advise not to meet its interior.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

It just so happened that the ancient city rich in Vladimir prison with the story. Vladimir penitentiary, built in 1825, is not very attractive building, but age this dungeon inspires reverence.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Prison in the Siberian city of Tobolsk — twin brother Vladimir penitentiary. However, it was built 30 years later, in 1855.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Butyrka prison castle, built in 1794, is not the most attractive, but one of the most famous masterpieces of the famous Russian architect Matvey Kazakov.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Prison wing is the most attractive part of the prison of the city of Sochi, in the Voronezh region. This small building, built in 1882, scary story, written in the blood of people who were executed in the years of Stalinist repression.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Special beauty and unusual architectural solutions Kazan prison, the castle does not, but since it was built in 1807, he fell into the category of monuments.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Unfortunately, or fortunately, Perm detention facility, founded in 1879, is surrounded by a high brick wall, and see his lovely wall street will fail. Certainly, especially you should not get upset.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

Pskov prison "decorates" the city in 1805. This is a standard design, created by architect A. V. Zakharov especially for provincial cities. Therefore, such buildings in Russia a lot, but Pskov best preserved.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

It's not the hen house and not a barn for storing agricultural implements, and a real prison, a loner, is located in the village cherkeh in the Republic of Sakha. Yes, it was built not in the stone age, and in the 19th century, the architects simply do not try too hard.

13 unique prisons of Russia, received the status of a monument of architecture

No, this is not an error — the photo is actually a former Perm transit prison, built in 1871. Just now, she has found another use and placed in the building of the puppet theatre.

You can conclude that the prison even became an architectural monument, not too pleasant. But this is not always true. Norwegian prison on Bastøy island offers its prisoners conditions, which may not provide many of the hotels.

Keywords: Architecture | Russian Federation | History | Design and architecture | Isolation | Jail | Monument

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