13 Signs You're a Narcissist and You Don't Even Know It
Categories: People | Psychology | Science | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/13-signs-youre-a-narcissist-and-you-dont-even-know-it.htmlNarcissism is a distinct personality disorder that, according to Psychology Today, is characterized by "a lack of empathy for other people and a need for admiration."
The traits that make it so difficult for narcissists to socialize or date—like their willingness to control people and ruthlessness in meeting needs—also make them effective at climbing the corporate ladder. Narcissists only make up about 1% of the population, but if you think of hundreds of people you know, chances are there are a few daffodils mixed in.
To help you figure out if you, a family member, or perhaps your boss is a narcissist, we've searched the psychology literature for patterns of narcissistic behavior.
Here are 13 common signs of narcissism and how to spot them.
1. You are a bad athlete.
For example, when losing a sports match, narcissistic people may try to humiliate the referee. When they win, they may overly gloat or insult the losing side.
2. You constantly feel that you are underestimated.
For example, when losing a sports match, narcissistic people may try to humiliate the referee. When they win, they may overly gloat or insult the losing side.
3. You think everyone else is stupid.
Many narcissists are know-it-alls and find it difficult to get along with colleagues and friends because they refuse to believe they can be wrong about anything.
4. You love to scold people.
Psychologists Nicholas Holtzman and Michael Strube of Washington University in St. Louis found in a study that subjects with higher scores for narcissism were more argumentative and cursed more than their humble counterparts.
5. You are complacent.
Narcissists often believe that their views are inherently superior to those of other people. But what they really appreciate is the attention they get for holding those views.
6. You feel entitled to misbehave with people.
Moreover, they are often offended where it is not intended.
7. You enjoy leading others and telling them what to do.
Narcissists typically enjoy leadership positions as they can dominate others and satisfy their need for constant positive reinforcement.
8. You hate being emotional.
The feeling of emotion "challenges their sense of total autonomy". Recognition in any feeling suggests that they can be influenced by someone or something outside of them.
9. You are more attractive than other people - or at least you think you are.
According to a 2008 study, narcissists rated themselves highly both externally and intellectually, but when they took IQ tests, the results were averaged. When their peers were asked to rate their narcissist friends on appearance, the results were lower than what the narcissists gave themselves.
10. Instead of listening, you are just waiting to speak.
Anita Vangelisti, a psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, has found that narcissists generally prefer to keep the conversation centered on themselves, "making exaggerated hand movements, talking loudly, and showing disinterest, 'not paying attention' when others are talking."
11. You are a serial romantic.
These people with narcissistic traits fall in love quickly and easily, often with people they don't know very well. They think their partner is absolutely perfect—complements their own perfection—until the reality hits when they realize their partner is wrong and end the relationship.
12. You put people on pedestals.
Narcissists befriend people they think are perfect—whether it's a co-worker or a couple—and then get really disappointed when that person isn't as perfect as they imagined.
12. You put people on pedestals.
Narcissistic people intentionally put others down in order to maintain a high positive image of themselves.
Keywords: Narcissism | Personality | Disorders | Psychology | Characters | Lack of empathy | Admiration | People
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