13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

Categories: Asia | Nations

"A lot of knowledge increaseth sorrow". We have already wrote about the customs and traditions of the people of China, which can easily cause culture shock. But this vast country is fraught with so many unusual and interesting, we have another piece of shocking facts.

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

Respect the sticks, citizens!

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

American actress, star of "the hunger games" Jennifer Lawrence

After a delicious lunch relies... burp

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

The fact that in many countries it is considered fair in China as a sign of gratitude to the hosts and special compliments to the chef!

More tea? Knock on wood!

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

In China, tea is drunk in small cups or bowls, and they should not be empty. According to tradition, the guests are constantly pour the tea, and those in gratitude, each time knocking his fingers on the table.

Say that it is a tradition originating from the eighteenth century, when the Qianlong Emperor traveled around the country incognito and communicate with ordinary people. When he poured his tea, disguised as servants, those in gratitude for this generosity, was about to fall to his knees, but could not only pounded on the table two bent fingers (symbolising knees bent).

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

In our days you can knock and fingertips.

The gift made, persistently refuse

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

Suppose that you are not offended by even the most desirable thing, according to the Chinese rules of politeness, will repeatedly rejected. But you have to insist: the maximum after the triple failure of your gift will be welcomed. (By the way, do not forget to politely refuse any gifts).

And don't expect your gift will immediately appreciate because to open it when the giver is considered rude. And it is better to think carefully about who and what to give to your harmless souvenir is not regarded as a bribe.

Juicy spit in public places – it's okay

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

We, too, is familiar, isn't it? But if we have at home, this filthy habit produces a very specific type of citizens, there it is common to all, including women.

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

And the Chinese are not only spit on the sidewalk, but from the Windows of buses and trains, and sometimes even in the room.

"Pen and order" geese in the police service

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

In the largest Chinese province of Xinjiang service dogs prefer domestic geese: they have a great vision, they are noisy and, when necessary, aggressive. Incidentally, birds, peace officers prevent a lot of stealing!

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

COP goose parade

Don't point in Tibet!

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

In all regions, inhabited by Tibetans, the gesture is considered rude. On the person or object you need to specify the whole hand with the palm turned upward, and tightly clenched fingers straight.

It is impossible to give thanks for the compliment

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

Because in the eyes of the Chinese, it is a sign of vanity. So don't be surprised if in response to the praise, for any reason, will receive a protest, even absurd: "No, the food was terrible, No, my child stupid and unsympathetic", etc Just based on Eastern culture, modesty and humility and bragging and complacency are condemned.

Tips can be regarded as an insult

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

In recent times, many city restaurants taking tips, resigned to the habits of Western tourists, but still for the Chinese, the money is not gratitude, and the gross disrespect (re-read paragraphs 4 and 8). An exception may be employees in hotels and tour guides are specially trained Western (especially American) traditions.

The Chinese often ask foreigners to be photographed with them

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

Don't be surprised if walking through the Park or sitting in a cafe, you will be the center of attention of the local that wants to make you a selfie on the memory. And they will be happy if you answer ask about the same.

Instead of diapers, children on the street wearing pants with holes in the right places

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

What is particularly shocking, the child can easily make their case in a public place. For example, sitting on a Park bench.

Chinese fashion beach: bathing balaclavas

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

This is not Brazil: here are spooky bathers relax on the beaches of Qingdao

The pale skin is the main attribute of beauty, so that invented in 2004 a bathing balaclavas, hiding the face and neck from the sun (and at the same time from jellyfish stings), immediately became popular.

The Chinese can take a NAP on the street for all to see

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

And well back in the transport – they fall asleep in the most unusual places, taking the most bizarre poses. This habit got so famous that there is even a special site Chinese Sleeping ("Dormant Chinese"), where you can see their funny pictures.

13 Chinese customs that are shocking to foreigners

Imagine now, what's this really complicated thing – the friendship between the two peoples.

Keywords: China | Asia | Peoples | Traditions | Chinese | Oddities

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