11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema | People | World

Some characters are so good that stories about their lives are filmed again and again - and, of course, different actors are invited to this role. Sometimes it gets in the way when watching if the previous film adaptation was better, but sometimes the versions are absolutely great, each in its own way.

11 pairs of actors who happened to play the same role - we compare who did it clearly better.


11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

1. Coco Chanel: Anna Muglalis and Audrey Tautou

To date, seven films about the life of the Great Mademoiselle have been shot. Among them, Jean Koonen's film "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky" clearly stands out, where Anna Muglalis played Coco's love story. And Audrey Tautou was performed by Gabriel Boner in her youth when she was just starting her path to fame. The roles are so different that it is simply impossible to compare them, so we watch both films and enjoy them.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

2. Norman Bates: Anthony Perkins and Vince Vaughn

In the classic Hitchcock thriller, the role of Norman Bates went to Anthony Perkins. In the remake, Gus Van Sant was played by Vince Vaughn. Surprisingly, the acting work seems to be more convincing in the second case, although the tape itself failed to repeat the success of the original Psycho version.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

3. Salvador Dali: Robert Pattinson and Adrien Brody

The image of an eccentric genius was embodied on the screen back in 2008 by Robert Pattinson, but then the role passed the attention of the public. In the plot - Dali's youth and the secrets of his personal life. Woody Allen with his film "Midnight in Paris" shows the outrageous artist only occasionally, but Adrien Brody played him incomparably.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

4. Lara Croft: Angelina Jolie and Alicia Vikander

Many scold Jolie for their lack of acting in "Lara Croft" in 2001 - she wears exactly the same expression everywhere. Others call this image the best in Angie's acting career. The 2018 remake with Alicia Vikander looks more interesting in many ways, but fans and fans are hard to convince. Let's assume that in this case - a draw.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

5. Mildred Pierce: Joan Crawford and Kate Winslet

Joan Crawford received an Oscar statuette for her participation in the film noir “Mildred Pierce” in 1945. It wasn't easy for Kate Winslet to play a broken-hearted housewife in the remake. However, in the 2011 mini-series, she looks very worthy in this role - the actress was even praised by Stephen King.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

6. Jay Gatsby: Robert Redford and Leonardo DiCaprio

Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby has been filmed five times. The versions of 1974 and 2013 are considered to be the best: both tapes received two Oscars each. In the first case, the bon vivant and the rich man are played by Robert Redford, and in the second - by Leonardo DiCaprio. Perhaps these two really talented actors showed the depth and complexity of their characters in different ways, but both times - organically and powerfully.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

7. Donatella Versace: Gina Gershon and Penelope Cruz

The 2013 biopic The House of Versace shows the other side of the legendary fashion designer's sister's success: during her brother's life, she always remained in the background and in a secondary role. The game of Gina Gershon was highly appreciated by both critics and the audience - and the real Donatella touched said that she sees not only an external resemblance to herself but also a very faithful transfer of character.

In the anthology series American Crime Story, the plot is built directly around the murder of Gianni Versace. The image of a completely different Donatella - crushed and confused, but strong - went to Penelope Cruz and is also played very convincingly.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

8 Spock: Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto

Leonard Nimoy played his character Spock for more than half a century - for the first time, this happened already in 1966 in the Star Trek film. In the 2009 version, the same actor played Spock in his old age, and Zachary Quinto played the character in his younger years. Playing next to a legend, and even himself, is not so easy - that's why Leonard Nimoy seems more interesting in this role.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

9. Elizabeth Taylor: Sherilyn Fenn and Helena Bonham Carter

Sherilyn Finn played in the 1995 film “Liz: The Story of Elizabeth Taylor”: everyone then noted the amazing resemblance to the prototype and the plasticity of the actress. Helena Bonham Carter got a role that required a different performance - the plot of "Burton and Taylor" in 2013, it was about the very difficult spouses Richard and Elizabeth. The couple in love went through a passion for hatred and emptiness - and the actress really convincingly loves, suffers, and is sad on the screen.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

10 Buffy: Christy Swanson and Sarah Michelle Gellar

The vampire slayer seems to be the only one - this is the role of Sarah Michelle Gellar, who became popular in this role. But the 1997-2003 series is a remake of the 1992 comedy starring Christy Swanson. Since almost no one knows about it, Buffy has clearly done better on the show.

11 pairs of actors who played the same role: who looks more convincing?

11. Tom Ripley: Matt Damon and John Malkovich

Of the five attempts to convey the character of Tom Ripley, two images deserve attention. The first is Matt Damon in The Talented Mr. Ripley in 1999. John Malkovich's performance in 2002's Ripley's Game is a bit different from the classic, but both films are definitely worth watching again.

Keywords: Pairs of actors | Movie characters | Cinema | Famous actors | Celebrities | Movies | Films

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