10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle

According to the forecasts of the World Health Organization, by 2025, doctors will make an oncological diagnosis to 19 million people annually, by 2035 – 24 million. Currently, about 14 million cases of diseases are registered in the world per year. If someone in the family had cancer, then other relatives have an increased probability of cancer. 

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

However, not everything is so bad, you can minimize the risk of developing cancer. Let's figure out how to do this.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

1. Exercise and sweat.

According to the American edition of the journal "Men's Health", a study conducted at the University of Vermont confirmed that men who exercise have a 68 percent reduced risk of developing lung cancer, and colon cancer — by 38 percent. Of course, compared to those men whose physical activity is reduced only to pressing buttons on the remote control from the TV. 

And although only representatives of the stronger sex took part in the research, it is logical to assume that it is also useful for women to play sports.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

2. Forget about fried dishes.

If your health is dear to you, forget about fried dishes. Even if you don't eat fried food often, it's enough to eat such dishes just once a week to increase the risk of, for example, prostate cancer by 37 percent. And although women do not have a prostate, the risk of developing cancer associated with the consumption of fried dishes prepared with vegetable oils, which contain a large amount of carcinogenic substances in hot form, applies to everyone. 

Moreover, such dishes as fried eggs with bacon or bacon are harmful in themselves. This also applies to hamburgers, French fries and other fast food. High fat content in the menu, according to scientific research by Italian scientists, increases the risk of cancer by 20 percent. 

The popular Atkins diet — low in carbohydrates, and high in fat-carries a risk of developing breast cancer. Scientists from the National Tumour Institute in Milan believe that this risk increases by 28 percent. And studies by British scientists have shown that a high intake of saturated fats is associated with an increased risk of developing colon cancer.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

3. There are grenades.

Scientists are still investigating the useful properties of pomegranate, and this fruit never ceases to surprise them. Recently, scientists from the University of Wisconsin discovered that pomegranate juice can slow down the growth of cancer cells in the lungs. And studies on mice have confirmed that the substances contained in pomegranate juice help the body fight prostate cancer. What are these substances? First of all, these are polyphenols and isoflavones.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

4. Examination and life.

"It is estimated that every second case of cancer can be cured with early diagnosis," says Dr. Chris Wild, WHO expert and director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Therefore, it is very important to undergo regular examinations with a doctor.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

5. Movement

Have you been sitting in front of the TV or monitor too long? As soon as you finish reading this article, get up and go for a walk or jog. Studies by the American Institute for Cancer Research conducted among American patients have shown that lack of physical activity causes more than 90,000 cases of cancer every year.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

6. Love fruits and berries.

Start your day with fresh fruits or berries. This is a really good idea, because they are rich in antioxidants-substances that fight free radicals and protect our body from the formation of cancer cells.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

7. Eliminate snoring (of course, if you snore).

Even snoring is associated with an increased risk of cancer. How, you may ask? Snoring reduces the level of oxygen in the body, and this leads to the fact that initially harmless tumors begin to grow in the body and become malignant. If you snore, go to the doctor. Take care not only of your own health, but also of the restful sleep of your household.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

8. Sunbathe wisely

Interesting results were recently published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. As it turned out, people who regularly take vitamin D reduce the risk of developing cancer by as much as 77 percent. Instead of dietary supplements in the summer, you can use a natural source of vitamin D — the sun's rays. However, during sun treatments, you should remember about special protective creams with filters that will protect your skin from skin cancer.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

9. There are nuts.

Scientists from Harvard University recommend eating three Brazil nuts daily, which will provide the body's daily need for selenium. Selenium is the most effective natural "weapon" in the fight against cancer. 

Several scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of selenium in preventing the development of a number of cancers, such as breast, esophageal, stomach, prostate, bladder and liver cancers. Selenium is found not only in Brazil nuts, but also in other nuts (the main thing is that they are not fried and not salted), as well as in sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

10 ways to protect yourself from cancer

10. Remember about fiber.

Include in your diet foods rich in fiber: bran, cereals, brown rice, whole-grain bread, fruits (currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, as well as dried apricots and dried plums), vegetables (especially Brussels sprouts, beans, white cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, green peas). 

Fiber removes toxins from our body and, as confirmed by the results of studies published in the journal "Clinical Nutrition", reduces the risk of developing kidney cancer.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Medicine | Cancer | Prevention | Diseases | Healthy lifestyle

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