10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | Lifestyle | People | Society | Sport | World

Everyone’s weight loss journey is a bit different. Like so many things related to our health, it can often be demotivating to not see progress immediately. For better or worse, changes in lifestyle take time to be reflected in our bodies. 

So we’ve gathered some inspiring before and after pictures from people’s weight loss journeys. Get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorite stories, and be sure to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. If you want to see more weight loss success stories, check out our other article on this topic. We also got in touch with Tammy and Lyssie, the Nutrition Twins, to learn more.


10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#1 From 94 Kg To 53 Kg. 41 Kg Lost. Got Dumped Because Of My Weight, Lost Weight, Got Dumped Because Of Loose Skin. Two Times. Decided To Forget About Men And Focus On Myself Now

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#2 Today They Will Laugh At Your Dreams And Tomorrow They Will Ask You How You Achieved It. 407 Lbs In 2 Years Combined, Naturally Using Diet And Exercise

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#3 485 Lbs vs. 201 Lbs With Diet/Exercise And A Journey That Never Ends

Pictolic got in touch with Tammy and Lyssie, the Nutrition Twins, who are registered dietitian nutritionists and personal trainers, to learn more about weight loss. We were curious to hear their thoughts on before and after pictures as a motivational strategy. 

“Although it depends on each individual, we’ve found that “before and after” pics can rate extremely high in terms of a motivational tool. Many people like to see what they’re aspiring for, and once they see a vision, they can keep referring to the physical photo, or even the memory of the photo. We’ve had clients in the past who have kept photos of what they want to look like on their refrigerator and it’s inspired them to stick to a healthy eating plan.”

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#4 Lost 300 Lbs From 505 To 205 Lbs. 3,8 Year Transformation. Still Going Strong

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#5 Started At 400 Lbs, Now I'm At 220 Lbs. Lost 180 Lbs In 10 Months And Reached My Goal

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#6 Hard Work Pays Off. From 525 Lbs To 225 Lbs

Statistically, many people do fail their weight loss journey, at least on the first attempt, so we wanted to know what people get wrong about it. “One of the biggest misconceptions about weight loss is that you have to starve yourself or always feel hungry or completely cut out your favorite foods. This doesn’t have to be the case at all! We encourage our clients to fill up on nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods like vegetables, before eating the rest of their meals. This leaves a lot less room for the heavier, less healthy fare, but still allows people to get their fix and not feel deprived, which is one of the secrets to long-term sustainable weight loss,” they shared with Bored Panda.

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#7 255 Lbs To 150 Lbs. -105 Lbs In Total. Bridesmaid To Bride, 4 Years Maintaining

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#8 From 324 Lbs To 210 Lbs. Weight Loss Progress

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#9 Made A Deal With This Little Guy. For Every Pound He Gained, I Lost One. I'm Down A Total Of About 85 Lbs

“Be careful not to fall prey to fad diets. If a diet is too restrictive and you lose weight too quickly, the diet will be too hard to maintain and you’ll end up gaining the weight (and more!) back as soon as you return to a normal eating plan. Overly restrictive diets set you up for cravings and binges, and if they’re too low in calories, they’ll ultimately slow your metabolism since you’ll wind up losing muscle as well as fat when you lose weight. If your body loses muscle, it’s counterproductive since it’s muscle tissue that keeps your metabolism speedy. Plus, yo-yo-ing with your weight makes weight sustainable weight loss more challenging both physically and mentally when you think you have to take drastic measures to get results.”

10 Times People Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Looked Like A Different Person

#10 My Wife And I Are Down Almost 300 Pounds In The Last Year And A Half Without Surgery, Pills, Or Cutting Off Body Parts. Looking At This Picture Seems Like It's Someone Else's Life

Keywords: Weight loss | Weight loss journey | Healthy lifestyle | Transformations | Healthy appearance

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