10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

Categories: Health and Medicine

Over millions of years, people have learned to recognize and treat many diseases, even those that initially seemed fatal. Although a lot is known about diseases, some symptoms still cause doctors to doubt. Today we will tell you about 10 strange medical conditions that you may have never heard of.

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

The principle of "Occam's Razor" is a concept that is used to make an optimal solution to a problem. The essence of the technique is to choose the simplest among many solutions, and therefore the right one. In the field of medicine, the essence of the principle is that "if you hear the sound of hooves, then it is most likely horses, not zebras." This means that you need to choose the most basic ones from the list of symptoms. Do not immediately assume the rarest disease in the world — for example, the presence of complaints about headache and sensitivity to light and sound, most likely, indicates migraines. Although organisms can also present surprises.

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

10. Perverted appetite

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

9. Alice in Wonderland syndrome

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

8. Alien hand syndrome

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

7. Innate insensitivity to pain

If you are allergic to water, a rash or bubbles appear on the skin when it comes into contact with water. If a person with such a disease washes, then the rash formed on his face will last up to two hours. Basically, this disease affects the female half of humanity in adolescence. There is no treatment, but the use of antihistamines, steroid drugs facilitates the course of the disease.

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

5. Cotard's syndrome

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

4. Ossifying progressive fibrodysplasia (FOP)

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

3. Kleine-Levin syndrome

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

2. Fatal familial insomnia

10 strange medical conditions that almost no one has heard of

1. Hyperexplexity

Keywords: Disease | Treatment | Syndrome

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