10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine | Life hacks

Many now use "home" skin cosmetics, that is the one that is created with his own hands. The only way you can be hundred percent sure in its composition, because as practice shows, the labels not always write the truth.

One of the simplest and most common tools in the "green bag" — the lemon. It can be used to improve the condition of the skin, to lighten hair and to get rid of dandruff. About these and other uses for lemon, read our article.

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

It has long been known that by using acidic fruit can give the skin a healthy and radiant appearance. For better effect, mix the juice of half a lemon with a small amount of warm water and wipe with this liquid the face. To fix the result, take regular calming mask: the juice of a quarter lemon mix with four tablespoons of honey, a little heat this mixture and apply on face for 5-7 minutes.

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

Rich in vitamin C lemon is a natural antioxidant, and thus is able to get rid of annoying dark circles under the eyes. To do this, apply every night soaked in lemon juice cotton pads under the eyes for 10 minutes, but be very careful — the lemon should not get in the eyes!

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

Even such miracles are capable of lemon, if you use it correctly! Mix 200 ml milk 150 ml double cream, heat the mixture on the stove, not boiling. Leave the resulting liquid for a few hours cut a half of lemon. Use the mixture every day, morning and evening, and the result will not keep itself waiting long!

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

Lemons are also known for their cleansing properties. Rumor has it that with his help we can even get rid of acne scars and lighten spots on the skin. For fast peeling, it is sufficient to cut the lemon in half and gently massage the face for five minutes. But remember that after all the procedures involving of lemon are not recommended to stay long in the sun and expose your skin to direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

The recipe is a tonic for nails simple — mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice! Miracle ointment is ready! If you regularly clean her nails, soon they will gain a healthy radiant complexion, lost the traces of the nails, the nail plate will become whiter. The oil in this "duet" plays the role of moisturizer.

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

Wipe the teeth with a zest of fresh lemon and you will notice immediately as they become whiter! In addition, you can apply a few drops of lemon on your toothpaste directly during cleaning. But such procedures can be carried out not more often than once a week, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the enamel.

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

Dry and rough skin on elbows — a problem faced by many boys and girls. It can be solved as follows: mix lemon juice with baking soda to form a paste, apply on your elbows and massage. After that, the mixture should be washed off with warm water and elbows oil cream or olive oil.

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

It turns out that this citrus can lighten brown or blonde hair. For this it is enough to sprinkle them with a mixture of lemon juice with water and expose to sunlight. But, of course, in such matters it is better to turn to professionals, so the choice is yours.

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

If you notice dandruff, do not hurry to run to the pharmacy for expensive therapeutic shampoos. A mixture of water, grated ginger, lemon juice and olive oil copes with this problem! RUB mixture into the skin, allow to dry, and then rinse with warm water. A couple of these sessions, and dandruff gone!

10 simple uses of lemon in beauty

Those who, even in the cold seasons, I like to look tanned, you know what sometimes the problems are with the bronzer... If you incorrectly apply it on the face, you would be "apelsinka". In addition, the tanning often lies the ugly stripes. To fix all this will help the lemon! Just wipe with a desired location on the skin of half a piece of fruit and wait until it becomes lighter. Ross this could help!

What other unconventional uses for lemon are you familiar with?

Keywords: Cosmetic | Beauty | Lemon | Recipes | Tips

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