In bed with Marilyn Monroe

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Categories: Celebrities

Sexy babe Marilyn Monroe forever won the hearts of the people. Famed photographer Douglas Kirkland has been fortunate enough to work with her only once — at the end of 1961. The photo shoot turned out very beautiful and sexy Marilyn basking among the white sheets to the sound of the songs of Frank Sinatra. In memory of the famous Kirkland blonde will remain forever young and fun — the way it was during this photo shoot.

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

For many Marilyn Monroe will forever remain young and beautiful. Such saw her photographer Douglas Kirkland when they met in 1961.

Pictures of Kirkland made that day were collected in a book titled "Marilyn: an evening 1961".

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Kirkland photographer for Look magazine — would make the "most sexy pictures", which could only be able to publish them to the 25 th anniversary of the magazine. 35-year-old Monroe knew how to behave during a photo shoot.

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Kirkland became famous thanks to the photos of Elizabeth Taylor and Judy garland, but he was only 27, and he's — understandably — was nervous.

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Monroe was late to shoot for two hours, but as soon as she arrived, everything went like clockwork. Kirkland remembers how much she impressed him.

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Monroe was called "a real headache" on the sets of films. Billy Wilder — Director of the film "the Prince and the showgirl" and "In jazz only girls" — once admitted that he was "too old and too rich to go through it again." But Kirkland said that in photo shoots, she was totally different. "She loved photographers. Loved the creativity that you can exercise while you work with the photographer. She could be herself".

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Monroe was fragile, which it often described. Before the photoshoot, she lost weight — not on purpose, but as a result of recent illness, but was still confident and sexy. She came in a white sheet, dumped her and got in bed.

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Between them instantly had a moment.

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Furthermore, Monroe felt so confident with Kirkland that in the middle of the photo shoot they asked everyone else to leave the room.

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

This photo shoot took place in late 1961. Kirkland was looking forward to working with Monroe yet, but the chance never presented itself: during the shooting in France, it saw the headline "Marilyn is dead".

In bed with Marilyn Monroe

Keywords: Celebrity | Marilyn Monroe | Photoshoot | Actresses | 60s | B & b | Douglas Kirkland

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