10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

Categories: Culture | History | Society

It is known that the Masons are one of the most secret organizations in the world. No one even knows exactly when they appeared and where exactly. We can only say with confidence that the “free masons,” which is what they sometimes call themselves, are hundreds of years old and that among them there were many famous people. The mysteries that have shrouded Freemasonry for centuries are a source of constant speculation and speculation. We will tell you about 10 secrets of this movement that definitely exist and excite minds.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

Throughout their history, Freemasons have used allegory, code phrases, and secret passwords. With their help, lodge members could transmit secret information to each other without fear of being overheard. The most famous password is considered to be the strange word “Tu-bal-kain”. Nobody knows what it means and in what cases it can be used.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

But this is not the only Masonic code. There are others, for example, “mor-bon-zee”. There are also phrases, parts of which are known to individual members of the organization. To put the code together, you need to put them together. There were cases when one of the initiates died. But this case did not become hopeless. Lodge leaders have no problem changing the combination of letters or words to create a new password.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

Masons have their own special handshakes, by which Masons who do not know each other personally recognize each other. The members of this society themselves deny such a practice, but it is known for certain that at least one such secret greeting exists. In general, they talk about dozens of types of handshakes, which are divided into “passing”, “real” or “strong”. Each of them has its own hidden meaning.

There is information that Masons of different ranks use only greetings that are permitted to them. "Journeymen" and "masters" use several variations, and the lowest rank, "apprentices", are allowed to use a single, "passing" handshake. It's called "Boaz".

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

It is known that perjury in court is not only immoral, but also a criminal offense. But Freemasons live by their own principles and rules. No Mason will give truthful testimony in court if it harms another Mason. In principle, Freemasons consider such an act sinful. But in their eyes, much more criminal is a person who did not try to save his own, even if he was guilty.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

There have never been women among the Masons. This is one of the basic rules of this secret organization. At the end of the 19th century, the so-called “Grand Mixed Lodges” appeared in France. They accepted not only men, but also women. These organizations still exist today, but they are not considered canonical among Masons. Simply put, the Orthodox brothers do not recognize “mixed Masons” as Masons at all.

At the same time, this fraternity has no prejudices against gays. It is much worse if a person is an atheist, the “masons” believe. They are not particularly concerned about the religious preferences of their fellows. The main thing is that the neophyte entering the lodge believes in the existence of higher powers.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

The premises where Masons gather to conduct their rituals are called, like the cells of this society, “lodges.” Not just any room is suitable for meetings, but one strictly oriented to the cardinal points. Usually this is a room with two walls facing strictly east and west.

This is very important for Masons, as they are confident that in this way they can make the most of solar energy. The sun and the east, where it rises, occupy an important place in Masonic ideology. They believe that the east symbolizes rebirth and all good things come from there.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

If you look closely at the $1 bill, you will see an image of an unfinished pyramid. If you look even more closely, you will see at its top the “all-seeing eye”, and around the circle there is a motto in Latin: “Annuit Cœptis” (our beginnings are blessed), and below - “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (New Order of the Age).

This is a Masonic symbol that appeared on the banknote for a reason. Benjamin Franklin, who was on the commission to develop the banknote design, was a Freemason. A lot of information is encrypted in the pyramid. Its incompleteness symbolizes the desire for development, and the eye symbolizes power, divine or human. The western edge, located in the shadow, indicates that the West is far from ideal. At the base of the pyramid is the Roman numeral "MDCCLXXVI". There is nothing mystical about it - this is the year of the declaration of US independence, that is, 1776.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

Oddly enough, there is a connection between the Freemasons and the American Apollo lunar program. At least one astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, was definitely a member of the Masonic lodge. Thanks to “their people” in space, Masonic ritual flags visited the surface of the Earth’s satellite and returned back. It was once believed that “free masons” wanted to take over the world. As we see, their ambitions have long since left the earth’s atmosphere!

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

Masons have many different cult and simply symbolic objects. Rods, branches of bushes and trees, squares, hammers, aprons - you can’t list everything. Among the things used in rituals there are some very strange ones, for example, a rope loop.

It is not known exactly what the noose symbolizes. Perhaps, during admission to the Masonic lodge, it is placed around the neck of the neophyte as a symbolic warning? Some adherents argue that the rope is just a symbol of the umbilical cord. But we know the value of Masonic revelations.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

Norwegian murderer Anders Breivik, who shot dozens of people in 2011, is often portrayed as an ideological or simply crazy loner. But this is not so - Breivik was a member of the St. Olaf Masonic Lodge in Oslo for many years. After the massacre, the brotherhood immediately expelled the terrorist from its ranks and prefers to remain silent about him. No one knows what role Breivik played in the life of the lodge and whether he was an active member.

10 secrets of the Masons that they carefully guard

When someone says that this world is controlled by Freemasons or, for example, reptilians, we only grin skeptically. But you need to know that there is some truth in this statement. Some anonymous studies have shown that the proportion of members of Masonic lodges in big politics, finance and big business is suspiciously high. This is especially true for Great Britain. In this country, even many universities and hospitals are headed by fraternity members.

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