10 golden rules of the dream diet

10 golden rules of the dream diet

Categories: Food and Drinks | Positive

We are all great theorists when it comes to losing weight — we are happy to give advice about the diet and diets, we know perfectly well what, with what and when to eat… But when it comes to practice, everything magically changes! Hunger is not an aunt, sweets beckon, and if no one sees, then calories do not count…

Next, the ten rules of the dream diet are collected. I would like such a diet to work for everyone, but, unfortunately, it's all just funny fantasies.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

10 golden rules of the dream diet

1. Food on someone else's plate does not count! If no one saw how you stole a piece, then there are no calories in it.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

2. If you eat standing up, then calories go to your legs and are spent while walking.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

3. Calories at parties are not counted, because they are spent on socializing and dancing.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

4. Diet soda neutralizes fats from hamburgers and cakes.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

5. Salad sauce, like everything that is wrapped in a salad, is not considered high-calorie, because we still eat salad.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

6. All food in the cinema does not contain calories, because it is part of entertainment, not lunch.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

7. Broken off pieces of cookies are not high in calories, because calories are only found in the whole cookie.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

8. The products that you try during cooking do not contain calories, because they are only in the final dish.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

9. When you eat together, the number of calories is divided by two, if the three of you - by three, etc.

10 golden rules of the dream diet

10. All the calories in chocolate are spent on brain activity, and ice cream is an antidepressant, therefore you will not get better from them.

Keywords: Positive | Ten | Dream | Diet | Rules | Food and drinks

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