You would never guess that these famous people are friends

They are all famous, but from completely different galaxies. People who seemingly have absolutely nothing in common in the areas of show business, in real life — best friends. Different age groups, creative direction and roles do not prevent them to find common topics for conversations and a wonderful time together.

Find out which celebrities were best friends, from our material.

You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
Actress popular British soap Opera "people of the East End", June brown, spoke about his friendship with Lady Gaga. 92-year-old star and 33-year-old singer met at a talk show and have since maintained friendly relations.

You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends
You would never guess that these famous people are friends

They say that opposites attract. In cases of star friendly unions this rule really works. Different directions, different styles, but a common interest in life behind the screen helps the celebrities to learn from each other something new. Friendship is not important status, profession or age — it connects kindred spirits, and that's fine.

Keywords: Friend | Friendship | Friends | Life | Behind the scenes | Stars | Famous | Unusual | Unexpected | Girlfriend | Reality

