When you extend a tram line in Edinburgh has discovered a 700-year-old human skeletons

Categories: Europe | History |

The distant past looks in our present unexpected findings. During the extension of the tram line in Edinburgh, the workers came upon human remains from the 14th century. The researchers believe that this burial will help to shed light on the lives of local people in the middle Ages.

When you extend a tram line in Edinburgh has discovered a 700-year-old human skeletons
Archaeologists have discovered 10 bodies in the medieval tombs Dating from 1300 — 1650 years. The old disposal came across during work on the extension of the tram line near the parish Church of South Leith in Edinburgh.

When you extend a tram line in Edinburgh has discovered a 700-year-old human skeletons
After the remains were recovered, they were sent for analysis. The results of the study will shed light on the origins, state of health, possible illnesses and diet of people who lived in the late 700 years ago.

When you extend a tram line in Edinburgh has discovered a 700-year-old human skeletons
Near the graves the archaeologists found the remains of a medieval grave memorials.

Recently in Poland, too, was found an ancient mass grave of children with coins in the mouth. Archaeologists try to unravel the mystery of the strange remains.

Keywords: Archaeology | UK | Road | Disposal | Research | Researchers | Cemetery | Find the remains | The excavations | The skeletons | The middle ages | Tram | Scotland | Edinburgh

