What were the punks like 30 years ago

Categories: Culture | History | Photo project |

Those who are not familiar with the culture of the punk and hardcore scene of Los Angeles in the 1980s are unlikely to have heard of photographers Brian and Nikki Tucker and their works. Thirty years later, the Tuckers, with the help of book dealer Arthur Fournier, were able to release an archive of their photographs about the subcultural environment, and this year they were able to present the book at the art book Fair in Los Angeles. 

What were the punks like 30 years ago

The Tuckers founded a black-and-white photojournal with poster-sized pages called FER-YOUz. In three years, 16 issues were published. After that, Brian and Nikki gained a reputation as the most original and respected photographers in the hardcore subculture. 

Fournier says about them as follows: 

Despite the fact that Brian and Nikki Tucker have always been outside of this subculture, the founder and vocalist of the band Black Flag, Keith Morris, repeats about them again and again: 

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

What were the punks like 30 years ago

Keywords: Culture | History | Photography | Los angeles | Subculture | Punks | Photo project

