What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

A dream of a beautiful figure, but can't take myself in hand and, finally, to abandon all of these chocolates, sweets, biscuits and other Goodies. But who says that you need to put delicious food on the cross? There are many simple, interesting and completely harmless to pieces of treats that can easily be replaced us the usual high-calorie snacks and desserts.

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies
What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

Exactly flour products are most often the cause of excess weight. And to avoid this it is enough to replace the semolina flour or oat flakes. With these simple ingredients, you can prepare a wide variety of PP desserts. For example, you can bake oatmeal cookies without sugar. For this, grind in a blender and 100 grams of oatmeal, add 1 banana 100 grams of cheese, a spoonful of honey and dried fruits. From the resulting mass form into cookies and place on the parchment. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees for about 20 minutes.

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

Sugar cravings haunts many of us throughout life, so to counter it almost useless. But in our power to meet the needs of the body and not harm the figure, replacing store-bought sweets are homemade. Great candy for dessert you can prepare in the following way: mix chopped walnuts, lemon zest, dried apricots, honey, a bit of ginger and a sprinkle of cognac. Form "truffles" and roll them in coconut. Dessert is ready!

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

Good option for homemade Goodies also very rich in proteins! 400 grams of cottage cheese, mix with one grated Apple (peach, banana, pear etc), to add to the weight of two eggs. Again mix well and send in the oven for 10-15 minutes or in the microwave on high for 5 minutes. As a result, you'll have a delicious curd that taste is not inferior to the purchase pastries and cakes.

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

Except for those with a sweet tooth, there is another category of people — those who are crazy about fast food. Will never tire of repeating that such food would be of no benefit to the body, but its counterpart, which we want to offer you, quite the contrary. Of course, we are talking about the lavash bread with a variety of fillings: cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, salted fish, cheese herbs... it all depends on your imagination!

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

Another weakness of beginners PP-schnick — sausage, sausages, sausages, and all that is connected with it. As an alternative to this "delicacy" suggest you try the roasted meat that is easy to cook by yourself. To do this, take a piece of good tenderloin, salt, pepper, add spices to taste, place on foil. Next divide the slices of fruit — any, it is necessary for the smell. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees from 1 to several hours (time depends on size of piece). To check the readiness punctures the meat skewers and flows "pink water" — continue to cook, skewer dry — get out and enjoy the unique taste.

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

This option may be not for everyone, but it's worth a try. We are talking about the sweet kvass from rye bread, no dyes, fragrances or preservatives! Natural product! To cook it, make 1 kg of bread croutons, put in a pot and pour boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Then add in the 8-10 liters of water, a Cup of sugar, 25 g yeast, raisins and mint. When the brew walk, strain it through a cheesecloth and bottle. After 2-3 days you will have delicious sea of effervescent drink, which do not dissolve the internal organs.

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

Almost no celebration is not complete without salads -- salads with mayonnaise. But that is no reason to cancel all celebrations and sit, hiding in the corner and silently crunching cabbage. Quietly make your favorite salad, but substitute the Mayo for yogurt! It may be cooked at home and even without a yogurt maker special: heat the milk to 40 degrees, mix the yeast, pour into a thermos and leave until morning in a warm place.

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

If you really love something to eat while watching the series, replace chips and crackers for healthy snacks. It may be pumpkin seeds, nuts, salt, dried apples, or even homemade chips. To cook, thinly slice the potatoes, rinse with water, a little sunflower and put in the microwave on a plate covered with baking paper. When turn Golden — pull!

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

And even this problem can be solved by enabling smart! Don't fry the potatoes in liters carcinogenic oil. Try chopped potatoes, dip it in eggs and put on parchment so that the slices do not touch each other.

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

Can't imagine your morning without a Cup of coffee? But if one were to conduct a little experiment and replace it on the Mat. Unlike coffee mate tea invigorates six hours and helps to establish the metabolism! The vigor and good health for the whole day guaranteed. Also have many other delicious, soft drinks, good for the body, for example, PU-erh tea, ginger tea with lemon and honey, tea masala, non-alcoholic mulled wine. All of them are very easy and fast recipes can be found on the Internet.

And the sweet lovers can indulge in cocoa. The caffeine in it very little, but the beneficial vitamins and minerals missing head!

And you have your own trick to make Goodies in utility? Share them in the comments.

Keywords: Diet | Healthy eating | Nutrition tips | Nutrition | Recipes | Tips

