What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

Porridge appeared in the human diet since ancient times, they help people get all the necessary nutrients for healthy living and work. Once the cereal is not cooked: boiled from her jelly, did flour for bread and pancakes, eaten as a side dish or a separate dish. In our time, we also unlikely to dispense delicious and healthy cereals. But in fact, among a wide variety of cereals has its "pests".

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful
What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful
What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

Experts in nutrition advise not to get involved cereals with a high glycemic index, which specifies in food product effect on blood sugar. And also those that have very little fiber: they give the body are useless calories. Therefore, diabetics and anyone who is serious about their health, you need to carefully consider the choice of cereals.

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful
What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

In the first place utility costs, respectively mess with the lowest glycemic index 20-30 GI – namely barley.

It's high in calories, 100 grams of nutritional value 268 calories. But barley is satiety, and after a long time do not want to eat. This cereal a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Barley is popularly called grasses Queen.

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

Hummus has the same glycemic index as barley.

In the composition of the product includes beta-carotene, 70% of the total vegetable protein, carbohydrates and very little fat. Pea porridge is rich in mineral compounds and omega acids 3 and 6. But despite such an impressive list, this product is quite low in calories. In a portion of a mass of 100 grams. contains 92 Kcal., if porridge made with water.

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

In third place buckwheat, it is considered to be the most rich in nutrients with very little caloric value per 100 grams of the product only 90 Calories.

The amount of vegetable protein is in buckwheat – 18 %, which allows to use it in a vegetarian diet. It has a low glycemic index only 50-55 GI, and helps normalize blood sugar. Therefore, in all diets for diabetics, there is buckwheat.

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

From oatmeal glycemic index is average 40-65 GI.

Cereal is rich in micronutrients and vitamins, but is most valued for its high content of fiber. The usefulness of oatmeal is determined depending on the processing of cereals: the rougher the better of her porridge. Oatmeal quick cooking have a very doubtful benefit.

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

Millet is a product of the lowest processing of millet, so it retains the maximum amount of valuable fiber.

The product is rich in carbohydrates, which provides long-lasting feeling of satiety. And the glycemic index at this cereal the same as oatmeal. Useful properties of millet porridge consists of intensive colon cleanse, ability to remove toxins, salts of metals. Krupa stimulates the cleansing of the blood vessels, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

The most harmful cereal is corn, glycemic index, it has the highest of all the cereals from 70 to 80 KI.

Followed by semolina – 65-80 GI. Semolina – is the most purified wheat smallest grinding, it contains very little of plant-based protein and vitamins, and 70% of it consists of starch. And therefore semolina is contraindicated for people with excess weight.

In the mess of white rice with a glycemic index of a high – GI 50-70. Nutritionists believe that the white rice gives the body absolutely useless calories. But the vitamins and minerals it is almost there, and protein contains 7 grams per 100 grams of product. High nutritional value and benefit have brown and wild varieties of this cereal.

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful

If a person has an individual intolerance, any cereal can be harmful. More than 30% of the world population suffers from gluten intolerance, which is particularly rich in wheat and 1% of the consumption of gluten grains can cause devastating consequences...

Keywords: Peace | Selection | Excess weight | Sugar | Food and drink | Healthy lifestyle | Proper nutrition

