What does the most beautiful kindergarten look like in the form of a kaleidoscope cake
In the Chinese city of Tianshui, an enchanting kindergarten Tianshui Kaleidoscope was opened back in January. The building is built of ordinary materials, but the main feature belongs to the architects, who added more than 480 colored glass panels to the structure. This gives the spacious and minimalistic building a kaleidoscopic effect, and "awakens children's imagination."
This rainbow wonder of architecture was built in January 2020 in the Chinese city of Tianshui. Inside and outside the building there are more than 483 multi-colored glasses, which are beautifully illuminated and shimmer in the sun. Due to these overflows, a kaleidoscope effect is created.
During the day, when sunlight penetrates into the offices through colored glass, everything inside is flooded with bright light. At night, the kindergarten building turns into a real work of architectural and design art, illuminated from the inside.
Kids definitely won't want to leave such a kindergarten!
Keywords: Kindergarten | Rainbow | Fairy tale