Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

Categories: Asia | Children | Society |

In 2010, two—year-old Aldi Rizal from a small village in Indonesia became an international sensation - photos with him flew around the world and caused a flurry of indignation. They show a kid sitting in a toy car and smoking. By that time, the child was smoking 40 cigarettes a day.

Further — more. Two years later, Aldi was able to quit smoking. However, one dependency replaced another. The baby began to absorb a huge amount of food and, accordingly, quickly gain weight.

(12 photos in total)

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking
Source: Daily Mail

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

Thank God, now 9-year-old Aldi is doing well. He does not smoke, has lost weight, studies with pleasure in the 4th grade and succeeds in school.

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

According to statistics, a third of children in Indonesia start smoking before the age of 10.

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

Public outrage has led the Indonesian government to launch an anti-smoking campaign, especially in remote settlements.

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

"At first he had terrible tantrums when we stopped giving him cigarettes," says Aldi's mother. "But now he has completely given up smoking."

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

However, pretty quickly the boy developed a terrible appetite without the usual 40 cigarettes.

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

He ate fatty foods and drank three cans of condensed milk a day. Again, if he wasn't given food, Aldi would throw tantrums and even bang his head against the wall.

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

His parents took him to the doctor and put him on a strict diet. At the age of 5, the boy weighed 24 kilograms, which exceeds the norm by 6 kilograms.

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

Four years later, after following a diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, Aldi was able to lose weight and study.

Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking
Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking
Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking
Two-year-old kid from Indonesia quit smoking

Keywords: Addiction | Indonesia | Smoking | Obesity | Child | Cigarettes

