Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is recognized as a major risk factor worldwide. Hypertension should follow a diet in which there are no foods that increase blood pressure. In addition, you should eat foods that help to control high blood pressure. We offer the top 10 foods that are shown for hypertension.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure
Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

Recent studies have shown the feasibility of the use of flax seed for high blood pressure. Simple product binds excess cholesterol, normalizes blood viscosity. Flax seed strengthens the heart, prevents the development of heart attack, stroke.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

Foods high in potassium and magnesium help to reduce blood pressure. Among them are products available: spinach, Brussels sprouts, celery, garlic, arugula. Herbs contain substances which have a calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Bringing dilate blood vessels, reducing the load on the heart.

Fresh red beets is a natural storehouse of the b-vitamin, ascorbic, nicotinic and folic acid. Root vegetables rich in mineral salts, iron, phosphorus, silicon, and copper. The most useful fresh beet, which is added to vegetable salads. Also fresh squeezed beet juice.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

The fruit is a legume crop is an excellent source of soluble fiber. As they contain potassium and magnesium, which perfectly reduce high blood pressure. Legumes improve the General condition of the heart muscle. Legumes should not be consumed raw. They are boiled, canned, added to salads, soups, use as a garnish. When buying canned beans, you need to pay attention to the salt content.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

Studies have proven that fans yogurt is much less likely to suffer high blood pressure. It is enough to consume healthy dessert or five times a week for 25 percent reduction in the risk of hypertension. Yogurt is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium which strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

Tropical fruit is extremely rich in potassium. Doctors recommend eating bananas for Breakfast. They go perfectly with cereal, organic cereal, cheese. It is noteworthy that bananas never cause allergies and does not have an age limit.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

Available vegetable is rich in potassium and magnesium, which are recognized as vital for heart health. Balanced levels of two minerals that lower high blood pressure. The most useful thing to use baked potatoes without salt.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

Recent studies have shown the benefit of glutamic acid in hypertension. Broccoli is a leader among vegetables in the levels of glutamic acid, which effectively reduces high blood pressure. In addition, broccoli removes cholesterol, promotes hematopoiesis, snacks strengthens blood vessels, which significantly reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

One percent milk is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D, which helps to control blood pressure. Daily consumption of low-fat milk lowers blood pressure not less than 3-10 percent. Useful property has only high-quality, natural milk.

Top 10 foods that lower blood pressure

A popular treat is rich in magnesium. High blood pressure is only useful unsalted sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds, cooked, with salt, is rich in sodium, which is contraindicated in hypertension.

Of course, the food cannot be called the only lever control blood pressure. Good advice cannot replace the advice of your doctor. The three pillars of a successful fight against hypertension: pressure control, treatment, healthy lifestyle. Be healthy!

Keywords: Diet | Collection | Products | Foods | Top 10

