Tokyo "rescue bus" picks up drunk passengers who overslept their stop
During the holidays, the transport company Nishi Tokyo Bus launches a "rescue bus" around the city. His mission is to pick up drunk passengers who overslept their stop. The bus "catches" customers at the terminal and takes them to the necessary stops for a relatively small fee of 880 yen (slightly less than 500 rubles).
Source: Oddity CentralThe idea of a rescue bus came to the driver of Nishi Tokyo Bus four years ago, since then the company has been offering such a service. During the holidays in 2016, only 75 passengers used the bus. This year, transport will run around the city every Friday in December.
The bus catches customers at the end of the JR Chuo railway line at 00:55, when the last train arrives. There are no cheap hotels and round-the-clock restaurants here, so it is difficult for those who missed their stop to find a place to stay. For them, and let this bus. After the transport gathers all the sufferers, it will go back to the center with stops.
The passengers liked the rescue bus, and they expressed a desire for such a service to appear on other lines.
Keywords: Bus | Alcohol | Drunkenness | Transport | Japan