25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

Categories: Food and Drinks | Positive |

Under the influence of alcohol, people become unlike themselves and do things that they would not have the courage or imagination to do when sober. It is about such 25 strange and stupid "exploits" that we want to tell you. Check if something similar has happened to you.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people
25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"So I took off my lenses last night before going to bed"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

Is that exactly how it works?

So that's why the alarm didn't ring at 9:30!

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"I fell asleep in a taxi, and no one woke me up, now I'm in the taxi driver's house..."

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

Before eating chocolate, make sure it's not soap!

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

If there is no fork nearby, you can always use a piece of hanger.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"I got up at 2 a.m. and found my roommate sleeping in a box"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"My friends decided to scan their photo and print it in 3D"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

I put it down so as not to lose it for sure! Brilliant!

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

Often, after stormy parties, you can find a lot of interesting photos on your phone.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"Last night I offered the dog to talk on the phone-banana"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"Drunk, I accidentally bought 100 top hats for my toad"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

The most successful place for earrings.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"The roommate came back drunk and designed the plane. Only now he doesn't remember how he did it."

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

Sometimes the evidence scattered around the house can tell you what happened last night. But not this time…

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"I came drunk and built a cardboard fortress for my cat"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

A sober person would hardly have thought of such a thing.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

Drinking and doing online shopping at the same time is not the best idea.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

I wanted to charge my phone, but something went wrong.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"After the party, I decided to get a cat"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

I wonder what was going on here?

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"Yes, I did buy an ostrich"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

"My drunk friend and I were messing around in Photoshop, and now I have this"

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

On the way from Oktoberfest.

25 funny, strange and stupid actions of drunk people

When you have a lot of money and time, but not enough brains.

And what was the strangest and funniest thing you did while drunk?

Keywords: Alcoholism | Alcohol | Funny | Drunkenness | Jokes | Humor

