To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

Categories: Celebrities | History | World |

Let's be honest, there are many people who would not refuse to breathe their last breath in the arms of a lover. Although, of course, the partner in this case can only be sorry…

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex
To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

People began to die of heart attacks during sex long before the words "heart attack" and "sex" came into use, namely in 964 AD.

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex
To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

In those days it was easier to say:

Despite his post, John XII, according to contemporaries, was not a very good pope, and his personal qualities left much to be desired. He is described as a rude, immoral man who "turned the Lateran Palace into a brothel."

The Italian diplomat and historian Liutprand of Cremona knew quite frank details of the pope's intimate life. He mentions that other priests " testified to his adulteries: he committed adultery with the widow Regnier, with the servant of Father Stephen, with the widow Anne, and with his own niece, he turned the sacred palace into a brothel."

He died, according to one version, of a heart attack during sex with one of his mistresses named Stefanetta, according to another-at the hands of the angry husband of the same Stefanetta.

It is said that the ruler of the Huns had a lot of sexual baggage. The creator of the great power from the Rhine to the Volga died of a banal nosebleed.

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

The Byzantine historian Jordan described the death of Attila as follows:

As we now understand, we are most likely talking about a stroke. Another Byzantine historian, Marcellus Comitus, believed that the consort simply stabbed the leader of the Huns.

John XII was not the only pope prone to love experiments, neglecting his status as "God's vicar on earth". Paul II, in the world of Pietro Barbo, was a worthy successor to the tradition.

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

Paul died not at all old, at 54, of a heart attack in 1471. Some claimed that the unfortunate man simply ate too many melons, but the pope's enemies slandered that the cause of death was a homosexual relationship with a young page. Dad, they said, was literally "loved" to death…

In the portrait, the former French president has a proud, even brave look.

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

Faure has been the subject of many puns, one of which goes like this:

But the word "pompée "has another meaning — "enjoy a blowjob".

A common rumor says that Faure died while a famous adventurer of the time, Marguerite Stenel, was performing oral sex with him right in his office. According to another version, it was not a blowjob, but a spanking. Although the official diagnosis sounded like a "brain hemorrhage", the doctor carried out antitoxic measures — that is, Faure, apparently, was poisoned.

Stenel was tried for the murder of her husband and mother-in-law, but, despite everything, the court acquitted her.

A scandal in the White House! The Vice President of the United States (1974-1977) died during a sexual act with his assistant Megan Marshak (poor Megan). That's what it said on his death certificate.

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

However, the assistants quickly "put a gloss" so that the incident did not come out. Nelson was brought to a decent appearance: he was dressed and seated in a chair. It would have worked if the doctor hadn't registered a rare phenomenon in the vice president-postmortem priapism. Simply put, his penis was standing, and it was simply impossible to write it off as a normal heart attack.

In 2009, the body of the famous actor, the star of the film "Kill Bill", was found in a hotel in Bangkok.

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

The musician, producer and director was found naked in a room with a wire wrapped around his neck and genitals, which gave rise to talk of suicide.

To death is nice: celebrities who died during sex

But coroners have denied these rumors, claiming that 72-year-old David actually died of negligence. Such cases are called "autoerotic asphyxia". Both his ex-wives Gail Jenson and Marina Anderson after the death of the actor said that they knew about the strange and dangerous tendencies of the ex-husband.

Earlier during the divorce proceedings, Anderson mentioned that Carradine was prone to " disgusting, abnormal sexual behavior, which was also very dangerous."

Keywords: Stars | Compilation | Sex life | Death

