On the planet there are still people, almost untouched by civilization. Tribe of waorani is one of them. The natives living in the Amazon jungle and lead a primitive way of life. Czech photographer václav Shilha (Václav Šilha) was not afraid to penetrate deep into the rainforest and meet these amazing people. He managed to make a bright and natural images the life of one of the most ancient tribes of the Amazon.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniAmazing pictures shed light on the lives of an Amazonian tribe waorani. 64 years ago, the inhabitants of this tribe killed five American missionaries.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniThey still use the spears for hunting.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniWomen prepare food, belching raw ground in a metal dish.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniCommunity members naked and hunt for wild boars.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniIn 1956, the tribe killed five Americans who have attempted to convert them to Christianity. Waorani decided that the aliens cannibals.Czech photographer václav visited the tribe together with a local guide who is familiar with the natives, so it is affable. He tried not to interfere with the way of life that waorani behave naturally.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniThe photographer was fascinated by the strength of their traditions, knowledge about the nature and sense of community.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniThe name "waorani" means "human being". These people live in the Amazon jungle, and prey on monkeys using poison, which shoot out of the tubes.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniFor the first time, the natives discovered employees of the oil company Shell Oil in the late 1940-ies. The government of Ecuador still continues to invade their territory, extracting fossil fuels.
Tireless hunters of the jungle: the Amazonian tribe of waoraniNow waorani use a lot of modern technology: motor boats, chainsaws and satellite phones. However, they live a simple life, hunting and gathering fruit.In recent years deforestation has forced the natives to go deeper into the jungle. Unfortunately, their drinking water supplies dry up due to the pollution of environment by the extraction of oil.
Papua New Guinea is also able to impress modern people of the primitive culture of their peoples. Italian photographer managed to capture the life and the Dani tribe, living in the mountains and koptsevo the remains of their ancestors over the fire.