The strangest religions and creepy cults

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Most people are familiar with the most common religions in the world; Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, etc.

As it turns out, you can consider yourself a Jedi and it's not even the strangest. Here are the strangest religions in the world.


The strangest religions and creepy cults

1. Raelites.

Also known as the Rael Movement, it is a UFO-based religion. Founded in 1974 by a former French journalist named Claude Vorilhon. Religion is based on the belief that alien scientists from another planet came to Earth to create life thousands of years ago.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

2. Scientology.

One of the most recognized religions, not counting the most widespread. It was founded by science fiction author Ron Hubbard in 1954. The goal is to study the true spiritual nature of people and their relationship with themselves, with their families, with other groups, other life forms, the spiritual universe and the spiritual being.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

3. Subud.

It is a religious movement based on spontaneous and ecstatic exercise. Founded by Indonesian spiritual leader Muhammad Subuh in the 1920s. The cult was initially limited to Indonesia, but migrated around the world in the 50s.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

4. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Also known as Pastafarianism. This belief began as a false religion based on an open letter to the Kansas School Board protesting the teaching of Intellectual Design. It started out as a joke, but has been recognized as a true religion in the Netherlands and New Zealand, and to be honest, it sounds like a lot of fun.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

5. Jediism.

Did you feel it would come? This religious movement is followed by thousands of Star Wars fans around the world and the cult includes the teachings of the Jedi. They believe that the Force really exists in the universe. Since 2013, religion has been the seventh largest religion in the UK.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

6. Aghori.

It is a dangerous Hindu cult that is shunned by the rest of the religious community as a whole, for a macabre reason.

Aghoris practice fearful rituals that include living in cemeteries and feasting on human flesh. They also use human skulls in the form of cups, eat live animals, and meditate on corpses for spiritual enlightenment.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

7. Neo-druidism.

The cult has some of the characteristics of a religion from the Middle Ages.

This modern sect also includes shamanism, love of the earth, animism, pantheism, and belief in sacrifice and reincarnation.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

8. Church of Maradona.

Maradona is considered by many to be the greatest football star of all time, and the people of Argentina (as well as Italy) worship the iconic star.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

9. Movement of Prince Philip.

It is easily one of the most bizarre religions practiced by the Custom people in Vanuatu. They believe that Prince Philip is a divine being.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

10. Zoroastrianism.

One of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, it was founded by the prophet Zarathustra in ancient Iran over 3500 years ago. For nearly a millennium, it was one of the most powerful religions in the world and was the official religion of Persia.

Today it has become one of the smallest religions with only 100,000 followers worldwide.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

11. Church of the Unsage.

The Church of the Unsage was born as another of those parody religions like Pastafarianism. Founded by American writer and film director Ivan Stang in the 1970s, the church ignores the idea of absolute truths. Instead, they focus on an interpretive lifestyle based on a philosophy developed by JR "Bob" Hobbs, an alleged travel salesman since the 50s.

The strangest religions and creepy cults

12. Church of Euthanasia.

Founded by Reverend Chris Korda and Pastor Robert Kimber in Boston back in 1992, this anti-human religion is helping solve all the world's problems by voluntarily reducing the population.

"Save the planet - kill yourself" is the slogan of the church.

Keywords: People | Religion | World | Culture | Society | Islam | Christianity | Judaism

