The most exotic sushi in the world

Shoichi Uchiyama and his wife Chisato are famous for making sushi... from insects! The couple is so passionate about this idea that they even published the book Cooking Insects with a Smile. Japanese culinary wizards claim that their insect sushi has an unsurpassed taste that can impress even the most sophisticated gourmet. Let's take a look at all these goodies...


The most exotic sushi in the world

1. Shiochi and Chisato have collected the best recipes for making sushi from various insects in their book. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

2. Joro spider sushi (nephila clavata). (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

3. Sushi with Madagascar cockroach. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

4. Sushi with butterfly larva Lilac hawk. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

5. Sushi with Asian hornet larvae. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

6. Sushi with Dobson's butterfly larva. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

7. Sushi with moth larvae. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

8. Sushi with Japanese cicada. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

9. Sushi with larvae. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

10. Shiochi and Chisato Uchiyama make insect sushi at their Tokyo home. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

The most exotic sushi in the world

11. By his personal example, Shoichi demonstrates that insect sushi is not only edible but also very tasty. (Photo: REX/Tony McNicol).

Keywords: Exotic sushi | Sushi | World | Food | Insects | Cooking insects | Insect sushi

