The Jewish cartel "Zvi Migdal" — a cynical pimps in bales
Ethnic organized crime groups have existed in many Nations. As for the Jewish mafia, the chosen people did not miss his chance as in honest business, and the slippery criminal path. Especially notable was perfectly organized and very effective pimp mafia "Zvi Migdal", delivered in the 20th century a lot of trouble to the police in Eastern Europe and South America.

On the question of what "Zvi Migdal" (Zwi Migdal) Wikipedia gives a very terse response. Of concise articles it becomes clear that it is a criminal group, created by immigrants from the shtetls of Russia and Poland and had been selling women into sexual slavery.
Noe of Trauma is one of the leaders of the "Zvi Migdal" the beginning of the 20th century
But this explanation does not give a complete representation of the flurry of activity that has developed this mafia in the period from 1860 to 1936 and its tremendous speed and incredible cynicism. Only in Argentina after the Second world war there were more than 400 members of the "Zvi Migdal", and their total number in South America and Europe, hardly known to this day.
To understand how profitable was the criminal business these guys just say that in 1890, the turnover of the group amounted to $ 50 million. It should be noted that the dollar at that time was worth much more than now, and the person with 50 thousand "green" in the Bank could consider a secured not only themselves but also their children.
The headquarters of the "Zvi Migdal" was in the most fashionable district of Buenos Aires, and the branches worked in new York, Warsaw, Macao, Calcutta, Cape town and dozens of other major cities on four continents. How did Jewish guys from godforsaken towns to achieve such success, even criminal?

In Argentina the end of the 19th century the female body was one of the most running "the goods"
The Jewish mafia was bound to appear in the pale of settlement in the territories belonging to the Russian Empire. In Poland, Galicia and the black sea region, the Jewish population in those years was reliably constrained by laws, forcing enterprising people to exploit in full the local peasants and burghers. The innkeeper, a pawnbroker and a fence at the end of the 19th and early 20th century were certainly Jews.Very soon this led to "overproduction". The Jews had to urgently look for new activities to feed their numerous and demanding family. Pushed to change and that the local inhabitant less ceremony with heeftmeer and increasingly took up the staves and bricks, arranging riots for no reason.
In such unbearable conditions, the news that overseas, in faraway Argentina, the Jews of Rada, was seen as a revelation of the promised land. Jewish Association of Chevra Kadisha (Hevra Kadisha) through thousands of miles of invitingly held out his hand to help and promised a new, secured and quiet life in Buenos Aires and other cities of the country.
Expensive brothel in Buenos Aires of the early 20th century
Argentina has become a desirable place for God's people. In the first place to the new place went men to settle and prepare the ground for moving their families. This led to the fact that in the South American country there is a shortage of women. No, not those that are immediately ready to walk down the aisle and give birth to one after another of the heirs, and "Bush wives", i.e. prostitutes.
The contents of the brothel in the prestigious area Buens Aires has become incredibly profitable indeed, one woman had not less than ten needy men. In such a situation the only option was to "import" women from places where a lot of them, and where they, according to Jewish businessmen, sit around.
So appeared the first version of the "Zvi Migdal", bearing the cynical title "the Warsaw Jewish Mutual aid Society" (Warsaw Jewish Mutual Aid Society). The pimps who were in the ranks of the organization, under the guise of employees of recruitment agencies knocking at the houses of the poor and families in Russia, Ukraine and Poland and offered to parents to arrange their daughters to the houses of the rich Argentines as servants, governesses and belosic.
Buenos Aires at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
What parent doesn't want a better life, his blood, vegetating in a provincial town, where there is no pavement? Of course, no one was going to have girls on the Hacienda to the Industrialists and speculators cattle. All young ladies who wanted a better life, found themselves in a huge hangar, where they were sold to brothels as slaves.
The second way to get a live product was bogus marriages through the shell of a Rabbi. As a groom it is often played himself a recruiter. One of the detainees by Polish gendarmes dealers turned out to be a happy husband of 30 girls, who after the wedding had taken on honeymoon overseas.Many of these accidents were not in the elite brothels of the city centre, but in a cheap eatery for the workers in the proletarian district of La Boca, where they had to serve 50-60 clients per day. The villains were not particularly discriminating — among the victims were many girls of 13-14 years, whose parents were released from a respectable recruiter for a better life and good education.
In 1906 the Ambassador of the Russian Empire in Argentina, has submitted to the authorities an official note of protest. No, he demanded an end to the disgusting business on women's grief, but only resented the presence of the city name Warsaw in the name of criminal community "the Warsaw Jewish Mutual aid Society".
The leaders of the cartel after his arrest in 1930
Thoroughly corrupt Argentine officials pulled the levers and the Jewish mafia pimps got a new name — "Zvi Migdal", in honor of Migdal ha-Zvi, known as Luis Migdal. This man was one of the founders of large-scale criminal gang and author of most of its criminal schemes.
The activities of pimps was not like many decent Jewish families of Argentina, who believed that the very existence of the "Zvi Migdal" casts a shadow on all the great Diaspora. To appease the public, the mafia used proven by many criminal gangs of the world, the way we started to allocate money for social and religious projects.
Raquel Lieberman
By 1920, public opinion has had little meaning for members of the "Zvi Migdal" — more than a quarter of the budget of Argentina consisted of taxes paid by Jewish brothels. But everything comes to an end, and the sunset pimp mafia was very unusual. It is believed that the end of a vast Empire, selling women, put only one offended Jewish — Rachel Lieberman.
Rachel was a prostitute and a victim of those thugs from the "Zvi Migdal". She's five years worked in the brothels, where, by the way, identified through the mafia relatives of the deceased spouse. Accumulated to honest labor saving "retired" Madam Lieberman opened his own antique shop. But the pimps who once ruined her life, didn't want to leave Rachel alone and several times made in her shop pogroms.
Newspaper editorial on "the Jewish pimps"
The trial of the pimps headed by judge Rodriguez Ocampo (Dr. Rodriguez Ocampo), who in the early autumn of 1930 made 108 convictions. No, the story of the Jewish mafia is not over, as very soon all the accused, except three, buying off, was on the outside. But after the publicity and decisive response "Zvi Migdal" never recovered and after a few years ceased to exist.
Keywords: Argentina | Brothel | Buenos Aires | Jews | The mafia | Migrant trafficking | Prostitution | Slave trade