The Chinese guy that kidnapped baby reunited with family after 33 years

Categories: Asia | Children | Society |

What could be worse than the loss of a child? We already wrote about the fact that the kidnapping of children in China has become a real national problem. The poor parents didn't know where to go when their seven-month-old baby was stolen right out of the crib. Only 33 years later Zhang Wei met with the mother and father. To find each other again they helped the DNA.

The Chinese guy that kidnapped baby reunited with family after 33 years
Small Zhang Wei was kidnapped from his home, while the absence of his father and mother. Parents away on business until seven months Wei and his two year old sister were sleeping in Cribs. A child abduction occurred more than 30 years ago in Baotou in North China.

The Chinese guy that kidnapped baby reunited with family after 33 years
The family took another DNA test, and he confirmed the relationship. The local authorities of the two regions helped to arrange a visit for parents to meet with the missing son.
The Chinese guy that kidnapped baby reunited with family after 33 years
Parents of Zhang Wei met with his foster mother. She doesn't know where her late husband 33 years ago took the baby. The police are investigating.58-year-old father was very excited to meet the missing son. He says he Wei as like as two peas similar to his brother. After 33 years of worries and pain he and his wife finally found peace.

History of Paul Joseph Fronzak is even more striking. He was kidnapped from the hospital in Chicago in 1964. The boy spent his childhood in three different families.

Keywords: Tests | Meeting | DNA | Familiarity | Information | China | Chinese | Theft | Kidnapping | Foster family | Parents

