Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Categories: Culture | Society | World |

Combining hyperrealistic style drawing with talent, accurately conveying the delicate beauty of the women he draws, artist Sergei Marchenko made a name for himself in the art world. The style in his images is based on Russian art of the 19th century, and resonates with the present.

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Encouraged by his mother to follow his artistic desires, Marchenkov has dedicated his life to developing the skills of a professional artist.

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

His stunning oil paintings attracted the attention of the world, he exhibited in Russia, England, Denmark, France and Japan.

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

His realistic paintings convey chaste charm that is hard to look away.

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Commitment Marennikova to easy lighting and soft corners leads to fascinating works, which passes through a sense of respect between the artist and the woman.

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Tender portraits of Sergei Marennikova

Keywords: Culture | Peace | Art | Artist | Community | Portraits | Tenderness

