Small, but remote: a 10-year-old karate student detained a gang of three robbers

Categories: Children | Conflict | Europe | Society | Sport |

A little Briton put three hooligans on the shoulder blades who wanted to take his iPhone away from him. Charlie Fichera from Sussex has been practicing karate for several years, but for the first time he had to apply techniques in everyday life, and not in training or competitions. As a result, the gang was detained, and the boy became a news star.

Small, but remote: a 10-year-old karate student detained a gang of three robbers
A group of three robbers was detained by a 10-year-old boy. Teenage hooligans hit Charlie in the face and snatched a phone bag from his hands when the schoolboy was walking with his 9-year-old girlfriend Georgia Bailey-Fleming.

Small, but remote: a 10-year-old karate student detained a gang of three robbers
Charlie is the owner of a purple belt in karate. The boy weighs 32 kg with a height of 1.37 m. He caught up with the bully who stole the bag, grabbed him and twisted his arm behind his back. In pain, the robber let go of the backpack.As a result of a brief scuffle, the hooligans retreated and fled.

Small, but remote: a 10-year-old karate student detained a gang of three robbers
A little Briton has been practicing karate for three years. He had never had to use hand-to-hand combat techniques in such a situation before. The boy is pleased that he taught the robbers a lesson.
Small, but remote: a 10-year-old karate student detained a gang of three robbers
Charlie's parents are also engaged in martial arts. They called the police, who soon arrested the hooligans. Father and mother are proud of their brave son.

Recently, a picture of a boy swimming in the river with two jaguars and a dog appeared on the network. The photo is real, and the brave teenager's name is Thiago Silveira, and he lives in Brazil.

Keywords: Arrest | Martial arts | Uk | Robber | Theft | Boy | Robbery | Victory | Teenagers | Police | Hooliganism | Schoolchildren

