Scientists have deciphered the letter the seventeenth century, written possessed by the devil nun

Categories: Europe | History |

In 1676 the nun Maria della Crocifisso Concezione (Crocifissa Maria della Concezione) wrote the letter. She claimed that the devil himself wrote the book with her hand. After three and a half centuries scientists have managed to decipher the "devil letter".

Scientists have deciphered the letter the seventeenth century, written possessed by the devil nun
Scientists have deciphered the letter the seventeenth century, written possessed by the devil nun

Crocifissa Maria della Concezione went to the monastery in Palma di Montechiaro at the age of 15 years. One morning she woke up and saw that her hands in ink, and before it lies a sheet of paper on which was written in incomprehensible characters. Other nuns, she told me that she was possessed by the devil himself, and her hand wrote this message. The nuns believed her and left a letter in the monastery, in the hope that someone will be able to decipher it.

340 years later, a group of Italian programmers from the research centre in Catania was able to decipher the letter. The researchers used a decryption program found on the darknet. They were able to read part of the devil's message. "We heard about the software, which, in our opinion, the use of intelligence," said Daniele abate, Director of the center. "We loaded into the software language of ancient Greece, Arabic and runic alphabets and Latin. And it's really something devilish." Sister Maria knew several languages, and scholars believe that it was invented my own, based on their synthesis.

Scientists have deciphered the letter the seventeenth century, written possessed by the devil nun

From the decrypted part of the message that God, Jesus and the Holy spirit "is useless extra weight", and "God thinks he can liberate mortals." Also in the letter it was written that God was invented by man. Scientists say that the letter is incoherent, inconsistent and not always clear. They are questioning the obsession with sister Mary, who, in their opinion, suffered from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Keywords: Gods | Devil | Italy | Letter

