Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

Categories: Cinema | Culture |

References to the great paintings in film — example of how intertwined the different types of art. Painting timeless and continues to inspire filmmakers through the ages. Director Vugar Efendi (Nicat Efendi) have created a project, Film Meets Art, where he collected the stills from the films inspired by the works of great artists.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists
Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"The Birth Of Venus" By Sandro Botticelli.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"The adventures of Baron Munchausen", dir. Terry Gilliam.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"The last supper", Leonardo da Vinci.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Inherent Vice", dir. Paul Thomas Anderson.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Ophelia" By John Everett Millais.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Melancholy", dir. Lars von Trier.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Prince Edward Island", Alex Colville.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Moonrise Kingdom", dir. Wes Anderson.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Architecture in the light of the moon", Rene Magritte.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"The Truman show", dir. Peter Weir.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Elephants" By Salvador Dali.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Mad Max: fury Road" dir. George Miller.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Dawn" Odd Nerdrum.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Cage", dir. By Tarsem Singh.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Bonaparte at Saint-Bednarska pass" Jacques-Louis David.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Marie Antoinette", dir. Sofia Coppola.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Abbey in an oak forest" Caspar David Friedrich.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Survivors", dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"The Death Of Marat", Jacques-Louis David.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"About Schmidt", dir. Alexander Payne.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"The hunters in the snow" by Pieter Brueghel.

Scenes from the films inspired by the paintings of great artists

"Mirror", dir. Andrei Tarkovsky.

Keywords: Culture | Movies | Pictures | Movie | Film | Inspiration | Artists | Comparison

