22 annoying trouble that turned someone's day into a nightmare
Because of the small problems, like a missed call or a long queue, the day is losing paint, you have to change plans. But when there is trouble of a different order, people lose touch with reality and are at the mercy of the creepy nightmare, wishing it quickly ended and no matter how. Remember, everything is relative, and your failure can be catastrophic, as the heroes of our journals. Do not lose hope and sense of humor, because bad day, not forever!
"And then I realized that the collectors are cool guys"
"Decided to take a short cut on the frozen river and remained without a car"
Nature conquers space, starting small, like mold on the wheel
"My luck is strongly against the new diet"
"Mastered a new recipe. Smell — a fabulous, flavor — unknown"
Did not want to wash the dishes I had to wash the hob
The confrontation of stretch ceiling and leaking pipes threatens to turn into a tsunami
"Does anyone know how to fix it?"
This creates new recipes
"Didn't know that in my area is inhabited by the most accurate feathered"
It looks like the disappointment
Accidents happen even in supermarkets
"When you make a purchase in the supermarket, I didn't know that I have no car"
Disaster with a citrus scent
"The implication was that the yogurt will be a bonus for washing floors."
Loser level 80
"Never go into the SOC. the network, if not done things in the kitchen"
"My friend bought a new phone. Today, he looks so"
Left turn on the stove to thaw
"That's what happens if you fail dropped the notebook"
"In my absence, built-in appliances decided to take a walk"
Someone is going to buy a new car
Keywords: Pictures | Peace | Positive | Nightmare | Troubles | Failures | Social networks