Photos of 100-year-old people

Paul Mobley has traveled the United States and photographed farmers for his book. He was shocked to learn that some of the people in his photographs are over 100 years old.

“I took about 30,000 photographs for my book. And then I realized that I have a whole collection of photographs of centenarians. "

Paul decided to focus on his next photo book by photographing centenarians in all states of the United States. If I Live To Be 100: The Wisdom of Centenarians in the title of Paul Mobley's book. In the book, you can find people whose age is equal to or over 100 years old, as well as learn the secrets of their longevity. Here are some of the characters in Paul Mobley's book.


Photos of 100-year-old people

1. Josephine Sadama, Islas Hawaianas.

Photos of 100-year-old people

2. Mandy Robinson, Louisiana.

Mandy has been eating donuts and drinking coffee in the same shop for 60 years. When she turned 100, the store allowed her to eat donuts and drink coffee for free.

Photos of 100-year-old people

3. Twins Ines Harries and Venice Shaw from California.

These women are 103 years old and still drive.

Photos of 100-year-old people

4. Walter Breuning.

Photos of 100-year-old people

5. Bernard and Beatrice Hirsch from Texas.

“Our key to longevity is to have a dog, never go to the doctor, drink herbal tea and beer, and eat apples,” laughs Bernard.

“You just have to live your life and be happy,” says Beatrice.

Photos of 100-year-old people

6. Henry Miller from Oklahoma.

Keywords: Age | People | Old | Society | Travel | Photographer | Photo project | World | Nations | Farmer | Life | Face | Portraits | America

