Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

Categories: Asia | History |

The sea is still, you are a woman or a man, if you can hold in their hands an army of 70,000. Chinese Chin si could — she started her path as a prostitute, but managed to create their own state, subordinating their will a huge fleet.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

In the early nineteenth century Chin si worked as a prostitute in a nautical brothel "Flower boat" — it was a ship full of women. Traveling through the South China sea, the brothel offered not only prostitution, but also theatrical performances. That is, to delight you body and soul.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates
Ms. Zheng became the prototype of one of the pirate leaders in the film "pirates of the Caribbean"

At 26 Chin si found the man of her life — perhaps among the clients. His name was Zheng, And he was a pirate. One of the most dangerous pirates that kept it under control most of the waters South of China. But before marriage smart Jin XI has put a condition: she will be to him a faithful wife, but will he allow her to share with him the power over the fleet.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

Utter savagery at that time that the woman equally with the man managed thousands of army, but the pirate world had laws of the land. The mores were different. For example, because the couple has acquired children, pirates abducted the fishermen fifteen-year-old boy named Zhang Baizi. Zhen And joined with him in an intimate relationship, and soon took his place and the Queen of the pirates.

Family happiness was short-lived — two years later, Zheng he died. Lady Zhen remained nothing, except how to take control of the pirates into their own hands. So under her control were 70 000 nautical thugs on 400 ships. A huge fleet!

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

Her Prince-consort lady Zheng was elected young lover Zhang Baisa own adopted son. However, it is likely that in fact neither she nor her husband never took the young man as a son, he was always their lover, and they adopted him just to after death Zhen And he had legal protection.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

The ships MS Zhen was dominated by iron discipline — it was the only way to control a huge number of men. Together with her new husband Zhen introduced strict rules, the violation of which was punishable. If someone has not executed the command from a senior officer, he was beheaded.

The death penalty was punished by the rape of women prisoners and stealing from the Treasury. Some of the captives the pirates were let go, leaving himself as wives and concubines, only the most beautiful. Ms. Zhen cleverly combined fleets, creating a huge pirate coalition.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

Pirate groups of the XVIII — XIX centuries was not just a disparate unions, which were hunted by the authorities, it was full of political units with their areas of influence and power. They had their own culture and set of laws.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

Zhang Baizi soon became the new leader, he caused the pirates and the fear and respect — in the correct proportions.

Not everyone was like the presence of such a powerful figure in the sea, and in 1808 the Chinese government tried to destroy the fleet Rank of si. But the pirates defeated the attackers, so those had to go back on the fishing boats.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

For many years Red Navy tried to destroy many enemies ranging from pirates and ending with the authorities of Portugal and Britain. Although the pirate fleet weakened, to destroy it and failed. The Emperor of the Qing state offered Mrs. Zhen to go to the world: she and her pirates leave a predatory life and become decent members of society.

Ms. Zheng: as a prostitute became Queen of Chinese pirates

In 1810, lady Zhen agreed to go to the authorities and her husband received an administrative position in the Chinese government. A few years later the couple had a son, and after 10 years the pirates again became a widow, and survived her second husband. After that, she settled in Honjo and contrary to the promise given by the government, has opened a hangout for gambling and the sale of opium. Died lady Zhen at the age of 69, having lived for pirate standards to a ripe old age.

Keywords: Female | China | Person | Pirates

