Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

Categories: Health and Medicine | History |

The image of a real Russian man many centuries is associated with a thick beard. This image is not to eradicate any European fashion nor tsars-reformers. After some recession of interest of vegetation on the cheeks the beard again and again on behalf of the Russian men and the next Renaissance, we can observe right now.

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

Today, the fashion for beards took over the world at full power. It's not just the appearance on the streets, television and the stage of many bearded men, but also a huge demand for tools and instruments related to the care of beards. In each city there was a barbershop and specialty stores where you can buy trimmers, gels and mousses for facial hair.

But how to care for beards in Russia, where all this diversity of devices and tools to care is not it? The experts of the WAHL company engaged in the manufacture of clippers and shave, told how to care about his male glory our ancestors.

The secret of the growth of a thick beard — enough of the male hormone testosterone, is affecting the normal operation of the hair follicle. Those who have no problem with this hormone, has high strength, endurance and, of course, hairiness.

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

The majority of Russian men in the old days adhered very active lifestyle. They were engaged in agriculture, hunting, fishing, construction or the military. Physical activity has a positive impact on testosterone production, so the beard grew very well.

Bath in Russia was popular not only among ordinary people but among the upper classes and even among the kings. Most houses had their own bath, which was used not only to maintain cleanliness but also in ceremonial purposes. Births, birthdays, weddings and other important events, certainly had "parts" in the baths.

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

Bath procedure, namely the impact of steam, hot water and massage with a broom, increased blood circulation, which in turn has led to improved metabolism and positive effect on hair growth. Many men are washed with water, which soaked birch brooms, which also positively affect the beard.

In our days, the experts are not in vain recommended to use a hydrating mask it in the bath — where they can be digested much better and the effectiveness of such measures as high as possible.

The main rule of care for a beard — her regular brushing. No doubt, men in Russia it was well known, so the bearded men never parted with ridges. Regular brushing helps evenly distribute the grease from the hair roots to their tips, giving them quality food. By combing the beard is getting thick and lush.

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

Scallop of wood was so integral to Russian men, this simple accessory is put to the grave. In many ancient male graves found on the territory of our country, found fit to care for a beard, along with weapons and horse harness.

Our ancestors knew a lot about the proper care of the hair. Modern stylists also recommend to use for combing beard this wooden combs which do not damage hair structure. The use of products from natural material, making hair healthy and silky.

Many recipes for hair masks, used in our days, has come to us from time immemorial. Healers in Russia advised the men who had problems with beard growth, nutrient broth, which was a nettle, chamomile and burdock. Of these plants did decoctions for washing and rubbing the hair and skin.

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

Mask for hair growth were made from honey and onions. This bow is carefully milled and then mixed with honey. The resulting mixture was applied to the skin and kept for a few minutes, and then carefully washed. The nutrients contained in this mask, helping to provide vitamins and minerals the skin and hair roots, promoting their growth and recovery.

In many works of literature of the XIX and early XX century can be found mention of strange for the modern man of action — greasing of the hair, lamp oil. For Example, P. N. Petrov in the story "Royal court", writes about it as follows:

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance
This oil, sometimes called "wood", today known as Extra Virgin Olive Oil or just extra virgin olive oil. It is used today to strengthen hair and accelerate their growth. The water not only hair, but also beards, which made simple cosmetics nice and thick.

To long beards the oil can be indispensable. Just a month after the start of sprouting beard, sebaceous glands cease to the extent necessary to nourish the hair. In this case, and help modern-day equivalent of oil for the lamps, which are now cosmetic companies produce specially for beards.

Today, many believe that the moon influences plant growth and... hair. In the old days this belief was simply iron. It was believed that if to trim the beard during the waxing moon, it will grow much faster. On the waning moon haircut also has a special effect — it helps to strengthen roots and keep hair from falling out.

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

The new moon nor the hair nor the beard did not cut, because they believed that this procedure can reduce a person's life. We can neither deny nor confirm the validity of these assertions, but one thing we know for sure, that many of today compares with the lunar calendar before you take on a trimmer or scissors.

As we can see, for long centuries in the important matter of the care of the beard in Russia, nothing has changed. There are new accessories, devices and cosmetics, but the basic rules have remained unchanged, and folk remedies continue to enjoy great popularity.

Men in Russia, he cared for his beard: 6 ways to preserve its relevance

I must say that not much has changed over the last century and barbershop — the atmosphere of these pure male beauty remains the same at all times in all countries.

Keywords: Beard | Hair | Ancient Rus | Cosmetic | Beauty | Mask | Oil | Care

