Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

It doesn't matter how old the stars are, because at any age they try to shine in front of the public. But the paparazzi are always on the lookout, and as soon as a celebrity relaxes, the whole world sees her true appearance the next day on the Internet.


Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

1. Uma Thurman

Uma in ordinary life does not look as interesting as in the spotlight. And given that the actress is an ardent defender of the environment and increasingly prefers not to use cosmetics and personal hygiene products, it becomes clear why she has such an untidy appearance.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

2. Sharon Stone

With beautiful hair and makeup, Sharon looks impressive for her age. But without Hollywood gloss, the actress looks more like a sweet, kind grandmother who has not lost her charisma but has long ceased to be a sultry beauty.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

3. Katie Holmes

There are actresses who are better off not appearing in public without makeup. Katie Holmes is one of them. It is unlikely that anyone will recognize her by accidentally meeting on the street.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

4. Jennifer Aniston

For many years, the public has been trying to unravel the secret of Jennifer's slimness. However, looking at the actress in everyday life, it becomes clear that Aniston's figure seems slim only because of the right outfit.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

5. Kristen Stewart

Tired and disheveled, Kristen is very different from the one everyone is used to seeing in professional photos. Once the actress admitted that in everyday life she does not use cosmetics and rarely combs her hair.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

6. Kim Kardashian

Without clothes, Kim's butt looks completely normal. Cellulite and stretch marks are familiar to the star, but, according to her, she does not worry about such trifles.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

7. Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts' face without makeup betrays her age. Enlarged pores, wrinkles on the forehead - all this is not visible when the star poses for the press at gala events. The actress shared that because of her non-standard appearance, she learned in her youth to accept herself for who she is.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

8. Lindsey Lohan

Lindsey isn't perfect, but she doesn't care too much about it. The girl shakes from side to side: from bad habits to a healthy lifestyle, from plastic alterations of her appearance to body positivity.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

9. Ashley Graham

Well-chosen clothes will hide all the flaws and make the figure stunning. But it is worth seeing Ashley without clothes, and everything falls into place - she is an ordinary woman. The plus-size model keeps telling reporters that she doesn't worry about her cellulite and extra wrinkles on her skin.

Masterful deception: 10 stars who were caught by the paparazzi

10. Demi Lovato

Thanks to the stylists and makeup artists, Demi looks great. But when they are not around, the actress turns into an ordinary American, without makeup, and in simple clothes.

Keywords: Stars | Hollywood stars | Celebrities | Appearance | Aging | Photos | Paparazzi | Internet | Famous people

