Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot

Guy Fawkes Night (or Bonfire Night) has long turned into a loud colorful holiday dedicated to the disclosure of the so-called gunpowder conspiracy in 1605. Then a group of Catholics tried to blow up the British Parliament. Residents of the United Kingdom annually remember this event on November 5 by burning huge effigies. See photos of the grandiose fire show, which was attended by thousands of Britons, further in our material.

Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
One of the brightest events of the year — Guy Fawkes Night — took place on November 5 in almost all localities of the UK. Fire processions filled the streets, and the shots of firecrackers and fireworks shook the Foggy Albion until morning. Thousands of people took part in the parades. They carried torches and burned huge effigies of politicians and huge structures.

Vivid photos from different parts of the UK convey the unique atmosphere of the hottest night of the year.

Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Light up! Guy Fawkes Night in the UK was bright and hot
Preparation for the amazing fire parade lasted for a month. Wooden ships and large effigies were built for several weeks to burn them in flames in five minutes, but this game was worth the candle. The smell of smoke will remain in the air for a long time, reminding the British of the most impressive sight of the year.

A traditional Day of the Dead parade was recently held in Mexico. Despite the eerie appearance of the participants, this festival focuses on love and respect for the memory of deceased ancestors.

Keywords: Great Britain | Uprising | Construction | Night | Fire | Parade | Flame | Crowd | Fireworks | Effigy | Procession

