"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

Categories: History |

In 1970 in the valley Isdale in Norway passers-by found the burnt body of a woman. What at first looked like an accident, start to grow into new mysterious details. The mystery of the famous "islenski women" dominates the minds of journalists from around the world to this day.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"
"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

Charred corpse

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"
"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"
Valley Isdale is located near the city of Bergen

November 29, 1970, the University Professor and his two daughters rest on the nature in the valley Isdale close to the mountain Ulriken. It was a "bad place", it was even called the "valley of death" because in Medieval times people would finish my life here, and lately and tourists, sometimes, frustrated with rocks. Unfortunately, the walk was overshadowed by the terrible discovery was one of the daughters of the professors found the charred body of a woman. The family rushed to the police station.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"
"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"
The body was in "a pose of the boxer" — typical for charred corpse

Police officers had to climb the hill to get to the place. It is immediately brushed aside the theory that the lady accidentally fell from the slope in the fire — too far from the path, do not wander inadvertently.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

The body was badly burned in the front, so the face not to distinguish, but the back remained intact.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"
Jewelry and a watch found near the body

Near the corpse the police found clothes, umbrella, rubber boots, ring, earrings, watches, nylon stockings, a bottle of local liquor and two poluraspredelenia plastic bottles with vague labels. The decorations were laid out in a strict order, as if they were needed for some ritual.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

On the clothes of the deceased were cut all the labels that mother this story with the case of "Tamam shud".

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

Coroners found that women aged between 25 and 40 years, she was a brunette, at the time of death the hair was taken back in a ponytail and pinned a blue ribbon, she was short, only 164 centimeters, with a round face and brown eyes. That's all about it it was known.

Two suitcases

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

The police have sent a request to stations all over Norway, but all to no avail — no one was reported missing mothers, sisters, wives, colleagues or friends. But got a call from the camera store station in Bergen. Employees reported two suitcases, left a week ago, which nobody took. The fingerprints on the suitcase matched with the fingerprints of the deceased woman.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

Thought it was the answer. The suitcases lay clothes, some wigs, German and Norwegian money, combs, cosmetics, teaspoons and a tube of cream from the eczema. But the tags from the clothes was cut and the label with the doctor's name on medication erased.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

In addition, in the bags found a notebook with codes. They still will play a role later.

And yet, some clue was found. It was the bag the boots from the store Oscar Rortvedt of Stavanger. Good luck! When the police went there, the owner's son Rolf Rortvedt remembered a strange shopper. He said that she was well dressed, looked very elegant. Spoke English with an accent, and her face was relaxed and peaceful.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

Rolf said that the lady had a long look around and choose the shoes longer than usual buyers. But the boots sold in this footwear coincided with those that were found with the body in the valley.

However, women are strange and sharply smelled something like garlic. Weird flavor from such an elegant person.

So that's something. Police searched the area and tracked — in a hotel near the store the description got one of the female guests of the hotel — the dark lork. However, it seems that it wasn't her real name.

A woman with six names

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

It turns out that she stayed in hotels throughout the country under different names. This suggests that, most likely, it had several passports. It remembered the waitress in one of the hotels.

In addition, the police found that the woman almost all the time and asked to replace her. In the same hotel she changed the room three times.


"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

The assumption that the woman was a spy, which removed rivals, hung in the air. During the Cold war Norway had many spies, including from Russia. But no evidence of this, however, was not found.

Decoded and the code in the notebook of the deceased. It turned out she wrote in her moving to Europe.

Autopsy and case closure

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

The autopsy showed that the unfortunate death had to be quite painful. The woman was healthy, but her lungs found traces of burning, and that means she was alive while it lasted. For burning used fuel.

In the stomach were found traces of a large number of sleeping pills. Medical ruling stated that the woman died from carbon monoxide and a large dose of sleeping pills. The case was stalled. It was determined that the woman committed suicide, but almost no one believed.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

She was buried in 1971 in a foreign land, in an unmarked grave. Woman Isdale "silent" for forty-six years.

New business opening

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

29 November 2016, after 46 years after the discovery of the body near Bergen, NRK journalists published a portrait of "women of Isdale", drawn according to witnesses. In the archives of the University hospital of Bergen found her jaw, which was considered lost — talked, threw it away due to bad smell. Armed with new technologies, employees of the Norwegian intelligence Agency took up the case.

To investigate joined by scientists from Norway, Austria and Australia.

"Killed a spy or a woman on the run?": I would say, in the end, the mystery of the "women of Isdale"

May 19, 2017 were published the results of a study of DNA and tooth enamel of the dead — now scientists can determine what foods people ate and what kind of water to drink. Experts found that the deceased was a native of Eastern Europe, but moved in childhood to France or Germany.

A little but more than it was. Now, if in the hands of the doctors gets a DNA sample of a relative "women of the valley", this will be known.

Keywords: A woman | A mystery death | Mystery | Murder

