I want to make money on trading, but I don't know how. Where should I start?

Categories: Celebrities | Economy |

Recently, Coca-Cola has released a special cherry series with labels decorated with a portrait of the famous investor Warren Buffett. This citizen made a fortune trading shares of successful companies. It lit up on the bottles, of course, not by chance. Buffett owns a large stake in Coca-Cola and promotes it at every opportunity.

"I recently looked at the statistics and found that the lowest mortality rate is among six—year—olds," an American once said. "That's why I decided to eat like them and now I drink three to five cans of Cola a day."

It's hard to believe that an 87-year-old man pours soda into himself with liters, but such statements are quite consistent with his famous thesis: it's worth investing in those companies whose products you yourself have been using for a long time. However, his truthfulness raises some questions. Over the past 20 years, the value of Coca-Cola shares has increased by only three dollars.

This does not mean that it is better not to meddle in the stock market. Just the opposite: investing is the most civilized way to cut down easy money. We just need to use more reliable tools than the precepts of the old weasel.

I want to make money on trading, but I don't know how. Where should I start?

Many blindly believe in the unshakable reliability of technology companies and buy overvalued stocks. But practice shows that they can collapse at any moment. The same Facebook recently lost 15% of capitalization: in early March, the media learned that the company was selling its users' data to everyone. But more recently, leading analysts called Facebook shares an iron investment that nothing threatens.

The risks associated with the volatility of shares of large companies force investors to resort to new methods of making money. Who would want to invest the entire amount in one company if it could collapse from another scandal? And it is difficult for a layman to enter such a market: the average stock price starts from $ 100 apiece.

I want to make money on trading, but I don't know how. Where should I start?

The modern market is changing, and the investment market is changing with it. Therefore, many are switching from the classical exchange to alternative instruments that offer innovative trading platforms. Instead of investing in the securities of one or two hyped companies and waking up in a cold sweat, having seen a dream that they went around the world, it is much more logical to take everything into your own hands. By tracking stock market news, you enter into a contract for the price movement of any asset in one direction or the other.

You can, of course, miss the forecast and end up in the red. But the trick is that you have the opportunity to conclude several such transactions in any direction at once, covering losses from unsuccessful bets with profit from successful ones. Agree, this is a much more attractive option than praying that your shares will finally rise.

I want to make money on trading, but I don't know how. Where should I start?

It is clear that it is very difficult for a beginner to understand all the subtleties. Therefore, novice investors register on sites where there are clear training materials on trading and the opportunity to try their hand at a demo account, which initially contains 50 thousand rubles. For the Russian-speaking audience, this is Binomo. There is no one urging users to spend real money right away. You will practice first on the training account, and when you are ready, you will take up real contracts. All risks, by the way, are known in advance: potential profits and losses are calculated automatically even before the transaction is concluded.

It is important to understand that Binomo is directly interested in the profitability of its users' investments, since the platform earns on the turnover and volume of funds, unlike the same brokers from the classical exchange, who simply take commissions from purchases.

In short, making smart investments is not as difficult as it seems. This is no longer the privilege of major market veterans, because with modern technological capabilities, you can earn in many directions at once and not depend on one company.

Keywords: Coca-Cola | Stocks | Stock exchange | Money | Investment | Billionaire | Billionaires | Partner post | Trading | Stock market

