How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster

Categories: Culture |

Lara Wirth is an 18-year-old Australian and self-taught in makeup. She paints in a variety of styles for fun and posts her photos on her Instagram account, hoping to inspire as many people as possible to the same extravagant art forms.

Lara says that she was inspired by the fact that she fell in love with the heroes of the films "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "X-Men". "I decided it was my time to start turning myself into them! I started watching a lot of YouTube channels, studying the art of makeup. I started studying on my 14th birthday."

How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster

"Every time I create an image, I get better and better. Now I can already draw on the body, make horns and teeth, and even build prostheses! I hope that one day my skill level will become so high that I will be able to create an image for some cool movie or video clip, and then the whole world will be able to enjoy my work."

How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster


How an 18-year-old girl turns herself into a monster

Keywords: Makeup | Girl | Horror | Monsters | Self-taught | Social network | Fear

