Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

Categories: Positive | World |

The other day, one of the most prestigious horse racing tournaments, the Caulfield Cup, took place in Melbourne, Australia. Photos from this event flew all over the world. However, there are practically no horses and jockeys on them. The guests of the tournament raised a wave of resonance. They don't seem to be poor people, they are well dressed, and here it is. That's what unlimited alcohol does to people…

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

Source: The Sun

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

On the day of the tournament, about 40 thousand people gathered at the Melbourne racetrack. The ticket was not cheap, but it opened up wide prospects for a stormy pastime. Namely, access to the bar, where beer, champagne and cognac were poured at bargain prices, and for holders of tickets of high categories — for free.

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament
Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

In a word, the Australians have gone into the gap. How many "fans" were able to see at least one race, history is silent. Probably not that much. The whole action took place on the lawn around the racetrack.

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

And if the men still somehow kept themselves in hand, then the ladies, apparently, completely lost touch with reality. The most common scene (after the bodies lying on the lawn) is persistent attempts to put the lost shoes back in place.

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament
Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

The law enforcement services obviously expected something like this, so they treated their fellow citizens favorably.

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament
Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

One lady who grabbed too much was even lovingly taken to a safe place on a wheelchair.

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

Colorful male guests, of course, were also enough. A rare photo for Melbourne racing — a horse in the frame:

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

In short, it was fun. It will be necessary to repeat it next year.

Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament
Horse aunts: Aussies had a full party at a horse racing tournament

Keywords: Australia | Alcohol | Women | Melbourne | Horse racing

