6 legendary defeats on the battlefield, the cause of which was booze
War exposes the best and worst in people. Some become heroes, others suffer a shameful fiasco. On the first write books, make films. On the second shamefully silent.
We offer six historical facts about the legendary injuries that occurred due to the banal booze. It is not excluded that Hollywood Directors will get to these stories and include them in some Comedy movie.
The first story is about the blatant negligence on the battlefield mentioned in the Bible. At the time of the prophet Elijah whole army was defeated due to alcohol addiction commander. The main confusion is that Buster decided the outcome of the battle that was a turning point in the confrontation between the Israeli and Syrian armies.
The belligerents were preparing for a decisive battle. The Syrians were outnumbered, outgunned and equipment. The Israelis were determined, though, and knew that few of them manage to survive. Saying goodbye to the family, they spent the last day before the battle for the inspection of equipment and prayer.
The Syrian side felt more confident. The commander-in-chief by the name of Ben-Hadad with other kings idly drank, anticipating victory over a small Israeli army.
The Bible says: "Ben-Hadad was drinking till you drop 32 kings in the tent." Reading these words, just seems to be abysmal Syrians. In fact, in those days every rascal, who gathered an armed group, could call himself king.
Buster kings were in the hands of the Israelis. They attacked and easily defeated the enemy. The Syrians are unable to rebuff, as orders drunken kings did not meet the realities of the battle. Home drunk Vended safely escaped, leaving the army to their fate. It is not excluded that the Syrian soldiers before the decisive battle drunk, for example, commanders.
It is unknown what would modern Italy and Rome, if they Gauls, the Celts drank less. In the year 390 BC, the savage defeated the Roman army and even entered Rome. The broken Legion was divided into two parts. One of them retreated to the Etruscan town of Veii. The second part of the Romans dug in on the hill of the Capitol. In fact, the legendary geese saved Rome, and the Romans, who retreated behind the fortifications of the Capitol.
The Gauls entered Rome, threw a drinking party in honor of the victory. Than not fail to take advantage of a talented strategist and commander of the Roman army Camille. The Romans waited for the night, when most of the Celts fell asleep in a drunken stupor. I think nothing Gauls were unable to put up even the slightest resistance. The Romans ruthlessly hacked drunk invaders. For the Gauls, the capture of Rome turned into an epic failure because of love for alcohol.Modern unimportant town of Sicily was the site of the epic battles in ancient times. Syracuse heroically tried to stand against the Romans. Formidable legions laid siege to the ancient city. They desperately needed to win. Glorious victory would help to wash away the shame of recent defeats at cannae, where Hannibal defeated their troops.
Syracuse successfully defended thanks to the ingenious inventions of Archimedes. The siege lasted for two years. It is unknown how many would have lasted siege of, if not the love of the Greeks for the holidays. Cheerful people praised the whole Pantheon of gods that provided them a legitimate reason to drink many times a year.Fatal Buster was held in honor of the young goddess Artemis, the patron Saint of hunters and female chastity. War-weary people passionately praised Artemis. From the record it is known that feasted without exception, even the soldiers in guard towers. Drunken inhabitants, the soldiers and guards fell asleep on the street.
Unbridled celebration after it was manna from heaven for besieging the city of legions. The Roman General used the unbridled joy of the enemy. After waiting for the most opportune moment, he gave the command for the assault. Legionnaires ruthlessly dealt with drunks. They were not spared and Archimedes, whose inventions are very irritated during the siege.In ancient history some people sought to capture new territory, while others strongly opposed the expansion. Unrestrained Slavs settled the Balkans in the sixth century BC. The Byzantines were not very successful in holding back the flow of migrants. They even crossed to the other Bank of the Danube, to keep the Slavs on the distant approaches to its territory. One of such sorties in year 598, the Byzantines lost on foreign soil. They were in a waterless area.
An unsuccessful search for water sources have completely exhausted the supply of drinking water. The soldiers had to drink wine, not to die from dehydration. On the fourth day they found a small river. By the time the whole army were drunk as a skunk and had lost all discipline. The Byzantine army rushed to the water, like a crazed animal.Meanwhile, the Slavic warriors waited patiently in ambush on the wooded shore. The sudden attack caught drunk Byzantines by surprise. It was a swift and ignominious battle. Slavs effortlessly defeated exhausted by the wine of the enemy.
Events that fall in the annals of the historian, happened in 1377. To Russian princes, heard of the coming invasion of the Horde. It was decided to meet the enemy on the river Drunk. The Russian squad was languishing in anticipation of one day, and the enemy did not come. In the end, the Russians lost vigilance: casually patrolling, do painiketta. And to heighten the comfort took off my armor.
Painiketta called the process of making Mead, which he drank without stretch on alcohol. The army is drinking and having fun, not knowing measures. Drunk rode. The chronicler aptly noted the consonance of the drunkenness of the Russian army with the name of the river. The princes and governors indulged in hunting, leaving the drunk squad without a command. Irresponsibility always ends badly. It happened on the river Drunk.The Tatar Horde defeated intoxicating army. The two princes vanished in the river waters. Almost all the warriors, or drowned in the river or were killed on the shore. Horde freely moved on the defenseless Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Adversaries burned and looted the city and the surrounding land. Subsequently, the Russians repeatedly attacked the Horde army.
The event, which in 1788 the Austrian army suffered critical losses can not be called a battle. In battle, there are always warring parties. Here, the army simply self-destructed.
During the Austro-Turkish war opponents have planned the battle near the Romanian town of caransebeș. Austrian troops under the command of the Emperor Joseph II came to the place of the upcoming battle before the Turks. The hussars — in the vanguard of the army, met a Gypsy camp. On this occasion, the warriors bought Gypsies have a few barrels of excellent schnapps.
Soon caught up slow-moving infantry and demanded his share of snaps. Hussars decided to give the town the status of a private party, and began to build barricades from the barrels against intruders. Infantry tried to break into the coveted schnapps. Bravest warriors went to the infantry hand-to-hand fight ensued.Meanwhile, to the upcoming battle moved up other parts of the multinational forces. The language barrier was pretty complicated the situation. Part arrived first, still unable to understand that the fight occurs between the Austrian hussars and infantry. Those who came later were not able to understand anything. They opened fire, believing that the fight against the Turks, there was no trace.
Deepening twilight became fatal. It is not one of the instigators of the fight began to gain the advantage, but one of the parties fled. Others broke into a run. Then pulled artillery and air whistling cannonballs. On top of monstrous submission to the place of battle flew crazed herd of horses, which took over the Turkish cavalry.
The army rushed into a stampede across the river. Old bridge broke down and collapsed with the fugitives. The Emperor, trying to affect a distraught soldier, almost died. By morning, the Austrian army vanished without a trace, leaving the battlefield 10 thousand dead brothers in arms.The Turks arrived on the battlefield two days later. They were extremely confused when I saw the mountains of dead bodies, thrown food, weapons. So an enterprising Gypsies have provided the Turks of the greatest victories in the war.
Keywords: Alcohol | Battle | Defeat | Drunkenness