Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

The British resident of Derbyshire 21-year-old Anna Windle (Annie Windley) for five years would eat one day a ham sandwich, weighed less than 30 kg, and looked like a skeleton with skin. Everything changed when Anna "love" in chocolate. He eventually helped the girl to beat anorexia.

Read more about the bad experience of British women, read below.

Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

At school she was very active in sports, did well in school, participated in all events. But, like many teenagers, the girl was subjected to harassment from peers. Classmates began to laugh overweight Anna, and then she decided to lose weight...

Home at the time Anna was expecting other troubles — her parents fought a lot and was given to the daughter insufficient attention. Amid the constant stress the girl almost stopped eating completely excluded from the diet of meat, sweets, baked goods, and dairy products. Such a tough diet has led to the fact that in 2012, the girl was diagnosed with anorexia.

Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

Anna weighed just 29 kg, barely standing on his feet and felt dizziness. In five years, "diet", consisting of one sandwich a day, she was repeatedly hospitalized. The doctors warned that the pace girl can give yourself a heart attack. But Anna could not help myself.

Any thought of food made from a Brit horror. Anna couldn't even be in the room with something tasty. When my grandfather tried to give her the pie, in tears, she ran home. And once fought head on the wall and shouted that refuses to live next to products.

Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

About it to her happened. Over time, the girl began to resemble a leather-covered skeleton, but even in this state she was afraid every extra gram on the scales, so did not eat.Everything changed when Anna allowed herself to eat a chocolate.

Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

Thanks to Anna chocolate, finally got rid of one of their main fears and soon moved to good nutrition. Now she weighs 45 kg, leads a healthy way of life and remembers with horror that it was before.

Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

Girlfriend has profile in Instagram, where he talked about his changes and motivates other people with an eating disorder to their health.

Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

On the page of Anna signed by more than 13 thousand people.

Girl with a weight of 29 kg defeated anorexia with chocolate

The British hoped that his example will help others to cope with this terrible disease.

The girl deserves respect, do you agree?

Keywords: England | Anorexia | Sickness | Britain | UK | Weight | Girl | Thin

